Ladies, have you been practicing your hand-hearts for International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8th March?
In other words, have you been practicing being sweet-hearts for “a world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive”? If you’ve just done a massive eyeball roll, I’m with you there. I clearly recognise the coded language used now which brings that on. It’s the language that sweetly coerces us women into letting men who refer to themselves as women into our spaces and sports, innocuous though that language may seem at first glance.
I expect IWD stupidly brought the wolves into the fold when they themselves got coerced into doing so out of ‘kindness’. However, rather than rectifying their mistake they are in turn coercing women (and men) into being kind, as an easier option to doing what could be stonkingly hard yards of getting rid of those wolves.
I don’t know how else to interpret this when IWD’s website is riddled with pictures of women, and some (gender-typical) men, doing hand-hearts at us, whilst at the same time profiling at least one man who says he’s a woman.
Not that IWD are alone in being coerced into kindness. New Zealand’s own Ministry for Women, and National Council for Women got conned into it by trans activists and transmaidens, too. Now those organisations want to con all women into the ‘kindness’ of allowing any man whomsoever says he’s a woman to have free and unfettered entry into all women’s and girls’ spaces and sports. The National Council for women, whilst avoiding the word ‘transgender’ on their website, as does IWD, can still barely bring themselves to use the word ‘woman’. The IWD website uses it freely, but doesn’t tell us that it also includes blokes who like to say they’re sheilas.
I noted that the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) are listed as IWD partners. It should come as a surprise to see an organisation dedicated to girls and young women capitulating to the trans agenda of ‘being kind’. Well, that is being kind to men and boys who claim to be women and girls, because I don’t see much of it coming from their direction to us. However, I wasn’t as surprised as I should have been, as the sell-outs are everywhere. But, once again, the WAGGGS website appeared to be devoid of any information about their trans stance, unlike Girlguiding UK who are at least upfront about it, even though it has proven to be as controversial as all heck there. I was interested to know what Girlguiding NZ’s policy was on including boys and young men who say they’re girls and young women, but couldn’t find a mention of it on their website. I bet they’re all in, though, boots and all, so I’ve emailed them and asked. I await an answer.
For those who might be wondering, yes, there’s an International Men’s Day (IMD). It’s on the 19th November each year, but, strangely, men who say they’re women are not clamouring for other men to be kind and include them there. No siree - those men only clamour to intrude on IWD. And notice how the pictures of men on the IMD website are just pictures of blokes, with no subliminal messages to “be kind”.
And although this was a picture from IMD’s 2023 website, IWD’s 2023 one was still an eyesore of saccharinity.
I have no objection to being kind, but being kind is a personal act in individual circumstances. The instruction to “be kind” is not a blanket rule that can be arbitrarily applied to a group, just because it’s decided they fall under the umbrella of ‘marginalised and vulnerable’, as there are devious, dubious, and duplicitous people in every group. We can feel a general kindness and benevolence towards others from any walk of life, but to be told that we have to be kind to them all in our actions, even when it clearly disadvantages us to do so in some circumstances, is nothing short of coercion.
In the context of men who say they’re women, being ‘kind’ means, in brutal terms, giving them everything they want. It’s a one-way transaction, and a shite one for women. So, no - I won’t be doing that. This year I’m un-kinding myself from manipulative coercive tactics. The process began a wee while ago, but it’s progressing fast now.
Kindness will remain a personal action for me. Those who weaponise it for their own ends can go f*ck themselves. So can those who continue to be fools for it in a way that helps the agenda of men who say they’re women. The ship with all my coerced ‘kinds’ on board is getting ready to sail. The one with my f*cks on it has long gone.
How many examples can we give about how all the "be kind" messaging is only really for us natal females? Men have prostate cancer, but people with a cervix have cervical cancer. Who knows if I have a cervix and who can I ask and not feel dumb for not knowing?
"So where does “be kind” take us if we think our thoughts through to the end?
It takes us to a land, where in a quest to prioritize the feelings of men, women and mothers no longer exist; where relationships disappear, where the connections between what we do and who we are, are considered less important than an ideology and where even prestigious medical journals feel it appropriate to refer not to women, but to “people with vaginas”. Nope, I don’t see any kindness being beneficial here to anyone. Count me out."
2019 NCW welcomed those 'identifying as women' into the fold (appropriate collective noun note pun) of the National Council of (once were biological) women.