Are carers of New Zealand’s gender-confused kids in state care now being told they must transition them to the opposite sex?
Jan Rivers is an ex-public servant, and now an outstanding citizen investigator into public policy, including those which concern gender-nonconforming/confused kids, and women and girls. She publishes both on Genspect (as below), and her own website Public Good.
In her most recent article, Jan exposes flaws in NZ’s Ministry for Children’s renewed policy around gender-nonconforming/confused kids in state care. She writes that the scene has been set for a preference to transition “rainbow” children and young people [to their opposite natal sex], and that foster carers and children’s homes will be in breach of the Ministry for Children’s policies if they don’t do this.
Funnily enough – not really - Di Landy from Mana Wāhine Kōrero made an Official Information Act request not so long ago about the number of children in state care who were being transed, to put it in a nutshell. The answer from the Ministry for Children was that they didn’t know, and it would be too hard to collate all the information on that from those individuals’ files in the various places it may be recorded. Rates of Transition in State Care - a Official Information Act request to Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children - FYI
And now they’ve made a policy to enforce the transing of gender-nonconforming and gender-confused kids! I hardly know where to start with all that is wrong with this.
In my opinion, our Public Service has become riddled with staff from the TQ+ indoctrinated generations, and this is reflected in the policies they make. I’m not across many of the policies like Jan is, but the ones I’ve seen which are skewed towards the TQ+ are sloppy and don’t stand up well to scrutiny, as Jan also discovers time and time again. However, taking on the Public Service over this is very difficult, as is any bureaucracy. Additionally, those whom we might address these matters with are often of the TQ+ indoctrinated generations, too. I know that not every person in those generations allowed themselves to be indoctrinated, but they are not usually the ones the Public Service employs or favours with consultation contracts.
In contrast to the faulty research underpinning the latest policy from the Ministry for Children, as Jan notes in her article, she herself writes from robust research. Here is her very readable and concise article -