The following is strictly an opinion/thought piece, after Australia’s Shannon Fentiman’s latest anyone-can-be-a-woman absurdity.
Shannon Fentiman, the Minister for Women in Queensland, Australia, says that “anyone who identifies as a woman is a woman”. She goes on to say in the below video clip, which can be viewed on Katherine Deves’ account on Twitter, that “I take a really inclusive approach”. An educated guess says it hasn’t occurred to her to specify that doesn’t include children, but are there others out there who immediately see the potential for it?
Now, unless the definition for ‘anyone’ has changed while I was writing this, it means any person. That’s it, nothing else. Not any person above a certain age, not any person with certain characteristics – just any person. That includes children.
In reality, I don’t think for a second that Shannon Fentiman means that children can identify as women and be treated as such to all intents and purposes. I believe like most of the people who are thoughtlessly advocating for ‘trans rights’, she has just swallowed the narrative supplied to her by trans lobbyists and activists hook, line, and sinker, because it reads and sounds so damn plausible and unobjectionable. It’s nothing if not some of the best propaganda ever written, which cleverly stole a march on us, after having been fine-tuned over decades. We didn’t see it coming. There are various reasons for this, which is a longer analysis, but it was extremely well-played.
However, you can bet your last dollar that paedophiles will be rubbing their grubby hands with glee at dismantling the meaning of the word ‘woman’ into being anyone who says they are, and seeing the potential in that for kids. As the time-honoured boundaries between women’s and men’s spaces get deliberately blurred, as the word ‘woman’ stops being used in language, and as more men enter women’s and girls’ spaces under the guise of being women, children’s safeguarding and boundaries will also dissolve. If we think it’s not feasible that children may start being included in “anyone who identifies as a woman is a woman”, think again. We only have to read NZ’s Ministry of Education’s ‘Relationship and Sexuality Education Guide’, for example, to see how the boundaries of what’s appropriate to be taught to kids about sex and sexuality have been blurred to hell and back. The analysis can be read here on Resist Gender Education NZ’s website. Do we really think that including children in the “anyone who identifies as a woman is a woman” statement is such a big stretch away from what we’re already doing?
Even though the flaws in the trans’ narrative will have been pointed out to Ms Fentiman many times by now, I believe that like others, she has invested in it so much that to back away at this point in time would incur personally untenable losses to her standing and position. We have a plethora of people, including MPs, exactly like her here in New Zealand, and almost everywhere else in the world.
Just like I’m waiting for a man to implement a legal challenge to the Christchurch City Council for discriminating against men who don’t identify as women from entering the women’s session at Te Pou Toetoe:Linwood Pool, whilst men who do identify as women are allowed in, I bet it wouldn’t take long for an accusation of discrimination to arise if children are not allowed to identify as women, once people cotton onto it.
No one really knows what it means to ‘identify as a woman’. Any explanations for it soon become circular, and devolve into nonsense. Without a firm and unwavering definition for ‘woman’, anything goes, as some men are finding out. There’s no reason to trust that the numpties who have got us this far into the mire with self-identification will put the brakes on at children being allowed to identify as women, ridiculous though it may sound right now. If that happens, I think I can leave the rest to your imagination. You won’t need much of it, if what we’ve seen over the last few years about where trans ideology has taken us is any indication.
Birth and breastfeeding groups who are now helping "everyone" encounter the same problems. Male bodied "everyones" are there to scratch the itch of their sexual fetishes, while women and mothers are erased and sidelined.
Menarche has served as the criterion for passage from child to woman for untold generations. Why change?