“The proportion of transgender adults who experienced at least one offence in 2023 has been suppressed due to high statistical uncertainty,” the report said.
Reliable stats around 'trans' people seem very hard to come by.
If, by any chance, the phrase “suppressed due to high statistical uncertainty” means something specific and understandable, please do enlighten me as to what that is. The phrase was used in the below excerpt from a news article, which was based on a report about the latest crime and victims survey from our Ministry of Justice.
The data also revealed 39% of LGBT+ adults had experienced at least one offence, 44% of bisexual adults and 33% of gay and lesbian adults.
Data on transgender individuals was “suppressed” however.
“The proportion of transgender adults who experienced at least one offence in 2023 has been suppressed due to high statistical uncertainty,” the report said.
Does it mean that the data collected from “transgender adults” was unreliable, or that there wasn’t enough data to form a statistic? I’m puzzled by the latter possibility, seeing as transactivists do like to bombard us with the narrative that violence against ‘trans’ people is as plentiful as rain on the West Coast – so where are the stats?
Upon delving a little further into this conundrum, many of the stats and information to be found online only talk about the higher levels of interpersonal violence LGB (lesbian, gay, bisexual) experience, compared to heterosexuals. In the report from the Ministry of Justice titled “LGB+ community experiences higher levels of victimisation than the national average”, the only stats provided within it are for LGB. The + on the end of that in the title, though, infers it covers the whole neo-rainbow. But, the report contains no stats or information about the crime and violence that ‘transpeople’, or any other identity included in the +, are purported to experience.
On the other hand, we know from various sources that men who say they’re women are significantly over-represented in prison, compared to other men, and women. Where are the news items about their preponderance to crime? Or reports from the Ministry of Justice about it? Isn’t it important for the public to know, seeing as men who say they’re women want to use female facilities? It appears not. This data has to be wrenched out of Corrections NZ via an Official Information Act request.
One of those recent requests exposed that at the time of it, the percentage of NZ’s population in custody was 1 in 3,975 females, 1 in 284 males, and 1 in 140 men who say they’re women. Some of these men who say they’re women are housed in the women’s prison. It’s not only clear that men who say they’re women have a pattern of criminality at a rate astronomically in excess of women’s, but in excess of men’s in general, too.
What we also know, but what is also not easy to find information on, is that much of the violence perpetrated upon ‘LGBTQ+’ people comes from within their own community. Domestic violence and abuse - as well as violence from punters in the sex industry - is far more prevalent than violence from random strangers. However, I did manage to find a publication in SpringerNature Link, which, in the abstract, makes the observation: “Taking an international perspective, the chapter highlights that domestic violence and abuse within lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer communities is highly prevalent [my emphasis] …….”.
Continuing in the vein of wanting to make a big deal about ‘trans’ people only being victims, a news story on TVNZ fudged the latest Census stats to make them fit with the ‘poor trans’ trope. In the story, TVNZ implied that ‘trans’ suffered the most from housing deprivation. However, the actual stats relate to the umbrella of LGBTQI+, and don’t isolate ‘trans’ people out of that acronym.
1News followed suit with an article titled ‘LGBTQI+ New Zealanders have been experiencing severe housing deprivation at higher rates than non-LGBTQI+— according to world-first Census data out today’. Early on in the piece, the statement was made that “The LGBTQI+ population had higher proportions of people affected across all categories of homelessness”, only admitting a bit further down that the highest deprivation rates are actually among Pacific peoples.
Jill Ovens, co-leader of the Women’s Rights Party NZ, says that in fact, when the stats are dissected more minutely, the biggest group suffering housing deprivation is women, particularly those over 50 years old. Jill will be talking about this and other relevant matters on Friday 6th Dec NZT on Breakfast with Paul Brennan, on the growing alternative media platform Reality Check Radio. If you miss it, it will be available on replay afterwards.
Sadly, it’s getting harder to sift the wheat from the chaff in our mainstream media’s content. When organisations get woke-captured, trust in them and what they produce tends to fly out the window. It’s looking like the only way to fix it is to bring in a big boss with a big un-woke stick – in a manner of speaking, of course. Far be it from me to cause conniptions amongst the terminally politically-correct. I shouldn’t be snide (but I will be) because I was a bit PC myself once, but then the Left went off the rails and I got older. A perfect storm.
Header image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
The LGB community acknowledged years ago and looked to address, the issue of domestic and other violence committed by its members toward each other. Much on a par with the heterosexual community I suspect.
It is only since the TRAs started claiming that inordinate amounts of violence are being directed at them by outsiders ,have we found that stats are becoming unreliable and skewed. In my nearly 76 years on this planet I've only had one violent assault perpetrated on me in my early 20s at a Gay dance at Auckland University by a very hostile heterosexual male custodian old enough to be my father, who did not like it when I asked him to keep his hands to himself. I ended up with a broken nose. I'm more inclined to think it was a result of me being an uppity female rather than because of my sexual orientation.
I have however in my youth witnessed trans being very violent toward others both within the gay community and outside of it. Needless to say they were mainly blokes. Its all smoke and mirrors and cry wolf. They are no more at risk than women in fact less so. Albert park being a perfect example of this.
The movement is built on and around lies, and when caught out they lie some more. What I don't get is how they've managed to con so many into lying to themselves and everyone in their family and social group. Thanks for the info... screenshot and posted ... although I am only really getting through to 3 or 4 people 😒