35 minutes of calm, but deadly, analysis of the NZ Midwifery Council’s ‘gone woman’ word experiment.
This is an interview well worth a listen. In it, Sarah Henderson, part of Māori women’s group Mana Wāhine Kōrero (Sovereign Women Speak), calmly eviscerates the entire process around the revision of the NZ Midwifery Council’s Scope of Practice.
The process to obliterate women from the Scope of Practice was a long four-year haul, and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to achieve. Mana Wāhine Kōrero was also critical of how the Māori language was used in it. Kiwi English is commonly dotted with Māori words, it’s just how we do it here, but official documentation is not common chit-chat, and the language has to be right for the document to be respected.
Pushback against this revised Scope of Practice was hard. However, if there’s one thing we know about far-left woke ideology, which has infiltrated the Midwifery Council, it’s that adherents to it have turned their ears and eyes off to all positions but their own. The Midwifery Council was not open to making any changes, until they were finally, grudgingly, forced to make a few of a very perfunctory nature.
Sarah talks about the skullduggery involved from the very beginning in revising the Scope, which was deliberate by some, whilst others were unaware of it, but got groomed into acquiescing. We can be fairly certain that this same process will have also been played out in similar ways with other organisations, which have taken on an agenda promulgated by TQ+ lobby groups. The game plan used by them is well-honed and ruthless, under its cloak of smiles and soft, piteous, words.
Sarah’s analysis and observations are sharp, and, in my opinion, worth a listen until the very end.
SARAH HENDERSON: Writer And Member Of Mana Wāhine Kōrero: Update Regarding The Midwifery Council's Scope Of Practice, After Recommendations From The Regulations Review Committee. - Reality Check Radio

Some previous reading -
NZ’s Midwifery Council makes some changes to their woke and obscure Scope of Practice.
Thanks Katrina. Fascinating discussion and what a perfect example of how ideologues are using ‘inclusivity’ and Critical Theory as a cover for embedding Queer Theory everywhere. This was always the intention… hide behind the glitter and rainbows in order to overturn the basis of a stable and fair society.
Good luck from Terf island.
Thank you Katrina ❤️ It's actually working, all of us together! 🔥🤍💚💜