Fantastic thank you. NZ women have done a lot of work and will continue to do so until the govt comes to its senses. Men are not women and all men are men

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Jan 2Liked by Katrina Biggs

A huge thank you for continuing your writing, speaking and documenting of this anti female anti, human ideology and its consequences for our nation.

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Jan 3Liked by Katrina Biggs

Great to have that record of lots that went on in 2023. Thank you Katrina. We women will keep on both doing our own thing, and networking. We will look out for each other, all kids, and our communities by prioritising Sex rather than Gender as the most basic difference in the human species (at least). The social power and established privileges that exist between differences are what 'intersectionality' is all about. Male or female is the most basic ingredient of 'intersectionality'. We women won't deny that however someone identifies they are still only a female or a male - which existed from before they were born and continues throughout their life, and beyond according to dead-body research.

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If there hadn't been so much deliberate and underhand secrecy around inserting gender ideology into everything, it would never have got this far. As awful as the mob violence was at the rally in Albert Park in March, it at least brought it out into the open.

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This is bloody brilliant work, Katrina. Thank you SO much! I am in awe of your dedication to this cause and stamina for the fight with opponents including, incredibly, the NZ Human Rights Commission and various women's groups and public health agencies, who are as cunning and conniving as they come. But people are waking up. Although as a long-term feminist fighting misogyny, the essential hate behind this movement as far as I see it, I worry the debate will never receive the mainstream attention and political action it deserves and desperately needs. There's always something 'more important' on the agenda. But fight on we must and you - and Di and Rex and co - inspire me to do more. My WOMAN T-shirt has just arrived in the mail. Once I shake this flu I'm going to get out and about in it.

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You're right that there's always 'more important' things than women's stuff. Enjoy your t-shirt :-)

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Jan 3Liked by Katrina Biggs

So important to have all of this recorded. A hopeful year and a lot of visibility for us.

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Jan 3Liked by Katrina Biggs

Thank you Katrina. I share some optimism that the push back has started, but it has a long way to go.

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Yes - there's a lot to undo, but I also believe we have begun down that road.

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Jan 3Liked by Katrina Biggs

thank you

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Thank you so much for this roundup Katrina - what a year!

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Jan 3Liked by Katrina Biggs

Thank you Katrina, for this summary. It is such a major win that the current NZ govt has committed to removing the gender element of RSE. So at least it’s not being endorsed in schools, even if it will still be rife on TikTok and Insta.

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3Liked by Katrina Biggs

The [Fijian Indian] bloke who got Young NZr of the year. Is he even a NZr? He was basically begging the likes of Ardern for citizenship on Twitter around 2019/2020 & threatening to migrate to Canada (as if we'd miss him).

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I didn't know all that! What a bloody shame he didn't go to Canada - not that they'd thank us, of course.

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Just went looking. But he's deleted his Twitter account seemingly because of accusations of plagiarism for his article with the Herald on Gaza.

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Hahaha - he blocked me a while ago, so I don't know what he's up to, but I did see the comments about his plagiarism.

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Yes he blocked me as well. And I no longer have that, or any, Twitter account.

I use nitter.net to search for tweets. It doesn't make you log in.

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Useful to know - thanks!

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I do though have it around somewhere.

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