I don’t care what Weatherley’s history is or what he chose to do with his body, male born people - men - do not belong in women’s sports.

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And of course, what about the girls? The government periodically goes on about how at a certain age, many girls just drop out of sports and how this is Not a Good Thing. And although, yes for children especially sports is meant to be about participation and fun, at the end of the competition, some win and most do not. But where is the incentive to even have a go, if you know that however hard you train, you will never be one of the winners because some penis haver 'girl' is going to get the prize over you? And why do we want to be teaching boys that cheating your way to victory is an acceptable route to getting your own way? The only people here who are being "petty and small-minded" are those who claim that women are not important in sport.

"Feelings" do not compete in sports, bodies do and ignoring this fact has consequences for everyone.

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Well said!

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Dec 11, 2022
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".... they are always mediocre, or older, sportsmen." Anton Weatherly was a mediocre sportsman when he competed in men's sports. My comment stands.

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Dec 11, 2022
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Incorrect. Weatherley was competing in male sports well before he started taking hormones. But his history is irrelevant, he is male born and has male biology, therefore he should stay out of women’s sports.

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Dec 11, 2022
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Weatherly was never at the elite level at any stage. However, his sporting history is secondary to the fact that he is male born and has male biology - i.e. a man - and does not belong in women's sports.

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Dec 11, 2022
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I don't give a rat's ass if he is competing with no testosterone. Male advantage in sports begins during fetal development with things like pelvic shape and femur attachment. The basis of 'superior' sports physiology (lung capacity, heart differences, muscle twitch times, etc.) are already in place at birth. Puberty just exacerbates, expands and solidifies these characteristics so losing his normal testosterone levels at age 17 means nothing. He was born with advantages that he can't actually lose.

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And while I'm here, just a word about self-care - the guy commenting here is clearly one toxic dude, and he will escalate his toxicity in his blind determination to 'win' at all costs. He will compulsively need to have the last word to prove his 'win'. Let him have it - it doesn't cost us anything in real terms to walk away from an online exchange, we soon get over whatever feelings we may have about doing that, but getting caught up too much in devolving to his level uses energy we can better spend on ourselves in our real lives. Take care, and thanks for being a terrific terf :-)

TERF Club all the way!


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