When I first wrote to Chris Hipkins (and many other MPs) I initially received a human, we'll get back to you response (ha ha), followed by automated replies and finally no response at all. I guess I was blocked as a 'gad fly'? It's politically simple... “he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character.” Joseph Heller, Catch-22

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Bravo! Exactly and 100 percent what shipkins needs to hear…I do wonder why women’s rights doesn’t even enter their brains!!? It’s all about fake men/women’s rights ! I wonder why! They are all part of the cabal that wants to take us down! Obviously! Thank you for your work on this absolute horror!!

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It’s interesting to see a left-of-centre politician using the term “culture wars”. This was a derogatory term US Republicans invented to dismiss things such as women’s rights, marriage equality and anti-racism efforts. Personally, I support all these things.

But how is a belief in biology - humans cannot change sex - anything to do with “culture”?

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So, it goes that far back, and used in a way that Hipkins would probably not approve of - at least publicly. Thanks for the info - I shall store it in my armoury :-)

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You mean shitkins? He he

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Men acting as if women have corralled women and intimidated girls at both Canterbury university and AUT for decades. Unfortunately I once knew two. I saw and read hoe they preventrd these going forward on issues around respecting women and how they got the Womrn's room at UCSA shut diwn as duscriminatory.

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Of course they would flex their muscle like that, given the ease with which they can do it. Pricks.

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And that was 2000s rot set in 25 years ago in academia. Got called a Karen by a chonese guy for asking for respect and for his son to didmpunt scooter...tood him to apologise he ranted about whotes raping asians and how did I know he was Chinese ..

My memory did not come up with an appropriare phrase!

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Well done that woman! Keep chipping away at the bastards and bullshit. The main change I have noticed in NZ is the 'gender-neutralising' of various public toilets and change-rooms, including the new complex at the north end of Takapuna Beach with several single unit toilets open to anyone, and only one toilet in the women's changing room that in summer is packed, from what used to be a much more functional set-up of separate male and female change-room blocks with several toilets in each. It's the same at Milford Beach, again with lots of money no doubt spent on all the rearranging to make things less women-friendly and practical for all. The Basement Theatre in Auckland went 'gender-neutral' almost immediately it became cool to do so, and that was where I had the bizzare and unnerving experience of coming out of my stall at the same time as a young male with our eyes meeting in mutual discomfort, defiance (from him), and general stress that was entirely unnecessary. This would have been in 2019-20. AUT's Ladies on some floors (my husband works there) became open to men or 'gender-neutral' pretty early on as well, while the Men's remained men's. 🙄

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Yes, obliterating women's toilets are the absolute in virtue-signalling.

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Yep. And so impractical for mothers with young children, girls or boys, not least. I would have been up in arms about it if it had happened on my watch at that stage of things.

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Well done Katrina for highlighting how dismissive the people who are supposed to represent our interests have become.

We all need to wake up to how pervasive this erosion of our privacy rights has become and is becoming.

Looking forward to meeting up when I return to NZ .

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Great letter, Katrina

Will be interested to see the response😁

Have cross posted



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Men accessing female spaces are showing us who they are… every xy invading female safety are PERVERTS… I am ready… it will scare the f—k out of any pervert I encounter in female safe spaces…I strongly suggest xx prepare to shame these perverts if ever encountered in our spaces…police 111 also. I am ready… make a stand for our younger xx.

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This is a global subversive plot to undermine women's rights and normalize human experimentation. Anyone who labels it a culture war is lost in the woods.

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Women are a big voter blog. Yet a small minority of men are catered to over women.

Women used to be property and now are reduced to less than body parts under gender ideology

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Hello Kat, Chris here. Always enjoy hearing from the fringes and the three of you in your organisation. So the hallucinations about there being so many trans people around now that you can't get in to your "spaces" are still happening for you. Have you tried the lemon and honey drink that cures everything?

It must be frustrating not having any evidence of this dreadful invasion of spaces happening. Not surprising though Kat when trans people are only 0.14 of the population, and half are the women to men variety.

Unfortunately, as always, I can't take the things you say seriously, along with most of the country. Winston does because his is an old people's party, and old and out of touch is the main qualification for this phobia of yours.

I laughed but can't be bothered wasting time responding to the misery you pour out regularly. I couldn't help noticing that your summary of 2024 was a summary of achieving nothing. And then your fond hope that this year NZ will turn into the US and start persecuting all kinds of people including your trans targets. I think your problem is that gap you mentioned though- NZ: free health care, free maternity and paternity care, a reasonable minimum wage and unemployment benefit, reasonable annual leave and sick leave, we are relaxed about immigration and refugees, we are relaxed about race (apart from old people), we are not enthusiastic about shooting each other, we have rules to ensure rental properties are a reasonable standard etc, etc. US none of that.

And Kat I think that is your stumbling block - all those NZ things indicate a country that cares. Whereas your wipe those trans people off the face of the earth campaign requires one that doesn't. So you are really just in the wrong place. True happiness is only going to come if you leave us and go far away - Florida sounds a good fit for you. We would be sad to loose you, but we just don't want you to spend longer in disappointment here.


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Oh, dear - have a cuppa tea and a lie down.

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Love it… we listen to same radio symptoms!

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Ha, ha, ha. The grumpiness of an irrelevant old woman. Sure, relaxing tea for me and lemon and honey to maybe squeeze the mindless hatred and paranoia out of Katrina.

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Omg seriously your poor mother… but seriously… you’re obsessed aren’t you? Woman hater; irreverent old woman? It’s the best laugh yet! Again… your poor mother…

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"I laughed but can't be bothered wasting time responding", he wrote in his 999,999 word reply

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I’m so sorry to hear how upset you are that women aren’t lying down and handing over all our rights and safety to men. Perhaps you could find a way to travel back in time a few decades to when women had no rights….its not very long ago. We’ve had just a few short decades of equality and now here we are being trodden on again by men. Think on that next time you start sneering from your so superior perch.

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It only takes 1 man to make the room unsafe for women and girls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BfH4dVX0wY

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Here’s a few reasons why we happen to think our requests are reasonable.

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Omg you’re obsessed with Katrina: want some advice? Stop harassing women. Good luck with your problem… your poor mother..,

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Not obsessed, its more the way we can be fascinated by awful things, like horror movies, and Ms. Biggs. That anyone can be that mean is kind of awfully interesting. My mother is fine thanks, but what's wrong with your friend that causes her to direct her mindless vitriol and abuse at two of the most harmless, kind trans caregivers who I see most days, who have more genuine feel for people of any kind than Ms. Biggs has obviously ever had.

You are concerned about people harassed are you Deb. Good, show it, tell your friend to do something truly useful for women that really are in a serious situation - domestic violence victims for example.

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One constant about you, Richard, is the continuous flow of verbal diarrhoea from you. It's endless. You are sure shitty under that guise of caring about others - well, except older people, of course. And, instead of just unsubscribing from my blog, I expect you'll have another go - one ... two .... three .... let it rip. But I won't be hanging around to look at your mess. It's all yours.

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I should add that the reason I don't just kick you put of here, is also due to the concept of being "fascinated by awful things" - i.e. you. It's good for my readers to see how ugly those who claim the moral high ground can be.

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Hi, Ms. Biggs, me again. I was inspired by what you said about verbal diarrhea, being shitty while pretending to care for others and that it's good for your readers to see how ugly I am. One of my absolute favourite words is hypocrite - it just of sounds like the people it's describing doesn't it?

So while you will not read this, let Jill and your other 5 supporters wallow in some true ugliness. None of you will like this, because the thing about lots of words is you can use them so people who retain even just a tiny bit of, can see that instead of the objects that you see and despise, trans people are just that - people. Very much ordinary people wanting to live ordinary lives.

Let's just refresh some ground we have already covered. I have explained that due to much time having been spent in hospitals, a rest home, and with home carers, I am aware that the workforce in those places is heavily dependent on people from India, China, the Philippines and Pacific Islands, plus gay and trans people, with some Maori cleaners. White women are becoming rare in hospitals and virtually totally absent in rest homes and home care.

I suggested it might be the work that is keeping Pakeha people away - one of my 2 trans carers had come from a morning where a person with dementia had flung feces all over the walls. Such things are not uncommon of course - morning rounds are always a rush of too few staff getting too many residents washed and dressed, with urine, feces and vomit soaked clothes, bed clothes and floors a constant chore. Plus dealing with people who are abusive, or aggressive, or need special care because they are dying.

You got cross at me when I said that you old white ladies don’t want to do this kind of work any more. You said you had been doing it for hundreds of years – something like that – and are involved in a higher calling now. Which I guess is what you could call simply copying what some white fundamentalist senator from Kentucky started when he realised there were some kind of trans people living in San Francisco and started harassing them.. How about this SCARY thought - trans people helping people get washed - rubbing soap all over them - and then dressed. And no-one complains. They tend to be grateful that a least someone is willing to help them.

There's a few more things about the work that apparently you would be happy to do but for your higher calling. Mostly minimum wage, shift work in hospitals and rest homes, home carers always out on their own looking after brain damaged people, more with dementia, autistic, cerebral palsy and severely disabled children.

And the thing is, because you are busy with higher things and so unable to do this work, someone else must. And trans people tend to see it as more of a career than most others. Meaning they become an almost irreplaceable experienced and knowledgeable team members. But they have friends and family all over the world doing similar work. They are well aware there is better pay and conditions elsewhere. They came here because they heard that NZ people are considerate and caring.

And that’s the problem. You, your small group, and your friend Jill and the 2111 people who voted for her party are anything but considerate and caring. You pretty much hate the thought of MJ – qualified nurse as well as caregiver (the best kind), she works as a complex caregiver for mostly elderly people at home, her partner manages a rest home workforce, they have a baby, hard workers so their own home, they are church goers, their main relaxation socialising with family and friends.

MJ is not going to change who she is. So presumably in view of the threat she poses, you and Jill think she should go back where he came from. Because that’s what your higher calling is on behalf of all women. Far more than trying to do anything about things like this: “Tagiilima Ateli Auga was drunk and angry that his former partner was trying to walk away from him so he struck her on the side of the head, knocking her unconscious”. But why? Why is MJ a terrible person while Tagiilima Auga is not anyone women’s campaigners want to deal with? Why?

But pretend great success. Some/ all of the trans caregivers get your message and go. Like I said they are virtually irreplaceable, especially in rest homes. There would be a staffing crisis in some – certainly a big drop in standards. What then for those old people you care about? Because don’t you see – if you actually care about them, the very best thing you can do for them is make sure the skilled carers, including those who are gay and trans that they have now, stay..

I like this, just a final thought...

It doesn't happen all at once, "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

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