Thanks Katrina. This is an excellent insight into the misogyny at work in our prisons and the fundamental difference between female and male humans, whatever their situation or 'identity'. My PhD research centred on a woman who was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering her longtime abusive husband who also terrorised their children, threatening to kill them, kicking her belly when she was pregnant, causing a premature birth at 24 weeks, and hunting her down after every escape attempt. She fought hard for a lesser conviction, and had been granted several protection orders against him over the years that proved what a threat he was to her, but they gave her murder and a life sentence anyway, with the media openly against her throughout her trial. In prison, though apart from her six children she dearly loved and missed, including two toddlers, she still said she felt freer than she had ever felt. There were no men allowed into the women's prison then. The vast majority of imprisoned women are the victims of male violence in the home. The way women are revictimised by our justice system - and media - here and in all other systems and cultures across the West that invariably side with the men, to my mind is worse than the violence itself as it blatantly shows how little people in and out of power care about or empathise with women compared with men. The trans takeover has proven this more emphatically than ever. I despair about any lasting change to this sad reality, but think your work, and that of all the other women publicly fighting for truth and fairness, is vital record keeping, if nothing else. Sacha xx

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A horrific story - further illustrated by the fact the woman felt freer in prison than out (at the time)!

Yes, one of the reasons I started this blog was to keep a record of the harms of gender ideology in NZ. I doubt I even scratch the surface, but hopefully this helps to keep people aware of at least some of it.

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Jun 17Liked by Katrina Biggs

Another important piece of writing, thanks Katrina. I hadn’t realised the change in Corrections policy and how long women prisoners have been putting up with this. Corrections are numbskulls!

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Jun 18Liked by Katrina Biggs

You have to wonder why alarm bells weren't loudly clanging when women incarcerated in women's prisons in California needed to have access to contraceptives while imprisoned. To protect them against impregnation by their cellmates.

Thank goodness that conditions have improved since Frances was there.

This is just one more piece of the "be kind" crap. Some days it feels as though we are taking part in some sort of gigantic and unwanted psych experiment designed to test just how far we can be pushed: https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/is-transgenderism-just-the-milgram

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Imagine if all our Corrections had done was what California did - i.e. give the inmates access to contraceptives!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Katrina Biggs

I shared this article to Facebook and they took it down saying it goes against their community standards....really unbelievable.

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Facebook did the same to me, Ann. Who knows why, eh? What I did then was make a small post about it, giving a few details, and explaining that FB wouldn’t let me post the whole article, but if people were interested in reading it to go to my Substack blog, and I gave the link to the home page of that.

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Jun 17Liked by Katrina Biggs

Very informative thank you.

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Jun 22Liked by Katrina Biggs

These are the stories that need to be front and centre in media coverage of the gender issue. But they are invisible due to the explicit curation of news content by mainstream outlets. The only place the public ever gets to read about this is through citizen journalist's blogs and GC activists' like KB. If even 1/10 of these outrageous stories were aired in the mainstream there would be hell to pay for the politicians and high-up public servants who foist these "tolerance till it hurts" policies.

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