Webb is another of Labour’s oily careerist politicians. He doesn’t believe a single thing he says. It’s all grifting and grabbling, which has been the tenor of Webb’s career to date including pre-politics. This is one man I wouldn’t buy a used car from.
Lawyer of course. Taught “ethics” at Canterbury University Law School. Was a Labour MP…
Webb is another of Labour’s oily careerist politicians. He doesn’t believe a single thing he says. It’s all grifting and grabbling, which has been the tenor of Webb’s career to date including pre-politics. This is one man I wouldn’t buy a used car from.
Lawyer of course. Taught “ethics” at Canterbury University Law School. Was a Labour MP during Ardern’s reign of lies and covAIDs democide.
Webb is another of Labour’s oily careerist politicians. He doesn’t believe a single thing he says. It’s all grifting and grabbling, which has been the tenor of Webb’s career to date including pre-politics. This is one man I wouldn’t buy a used car from.
Lawyer of course. Taught “ethics” at Canterbury University Law School. Was a Labour MP during Ardern’s reign of lies and covAIDs democide.
Nasty piece of work.