I declare a new gender - ovagender which only includes humans that started the developmental pathway at conception to produce ova. I now require ovagender only spaces! No spermgender humans allowed.

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Councils can be voted out. Last Saturday in Queensland, Aust. Council elections were held.

In my area around half the current councillors who applied to be re-elected, were voted out.

Although, the issues weren’t anywhere near as offensive as currently highlighted by Katrina.

Much less, caused them to be turfed out.

Don’t give up. Time will be on Women’s side.

People are slowly being woken up to the negative effects on women when men who claim they are

women, strut and stamp all over their hard-earned rights.

Recently, a male golfer, by the name of Hailey Davidson claimed he was a woman and won the

recent NXXT Women’s Pro Tour in Florida.

There must have been women who spoke out prior to his/‘her’ participation in this event.

Most likely they were brushed aside. However, after he/‘she’ won the event it caused a serious

discussion and an update to the policy, banning transgender athletes from competition.

Participants must now be “a biological female at birth” - effective immediately is the new policy.

The movement in Women’s Sport will eventually spill over to other areas.

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Yes, we have local elections next year, so maybe there's hope - but revoking or amending a policy can be gruelling work to effect. Like the golfer's win, something almost has to 'break' in people's faces before something gets done. But it always does, eventually.

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An update on Katrina’s report “Take the recent occurrence at the Planet Fitness gym where

a man was observed shaving in the women’s locker room”.

Patricia Silva complained about the transgender’s presence in the women’s locker room resulting in Patricia’s prompt banning by Planet Fitness.

The Headline now reads: ‘Crisis At Planet Woke’

Planet Fitness sees $400Million wiped off its value in just five days after banning a member who exposed ‘trans women’ shaving in the female locker room. - Daily Mail

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I can hardly believe this madness is possible. Who on earth can it serve other than predatory males?

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And will we read about this in the local paper? As if. Tried submitting this to the Press katrtina?

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No, I haven't - but feel free to flick it off to Chris Lynch Media, if you feel like it. I doubt he'll do more than give it a passing glance, if that, but give it a go if you want :-)

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The people making and implementing these policies have total disregard for women and children. This is all happening in women’s space. There are zero predatory women weaseling their way into male spaces to intimidate men. Women are fighting against the extreme right and the loony left. Ugh.

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This really is incomprehensible to me.... How is this legal? Why do girls and women not have the right to privacy and dignity when accessing women's spaces? It actually breaks my heart to watch the decimation of women and being able to do f all about it. The impact I imagine on our future generations of women and girls is horrendous... A genderless dystopian nightmare

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Surely this is illegal?

Sex is a protected characteristic under law.

You can't have policies that supersede or replace laws, or provide less than the law. Eg: you can agree to MORE benefits as a worker, but cannot agree to LESS.

The way little brown shirts enforcing the 'mask exemption' bs here - it was illegal to ask to see the exemption. WCC tried to say no, our policy is this/that. Policy is not law.

A competent lawyer, lawd help us! The political will has changed....

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My experience with the CCC is that they interpret the law to suit their agenda on this matter. They may argue that the word 'gender' covers sex as well. Yes, a competent lawyer on our side would be nice, but who has the money for the drawn-out battle this would be, eh? Councils know they have the upper hand over citizens in this respect.

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OK, so who wins here when there is a clash of culture and faith pitted against some fella in a frock? No swim sessions that include delusional or predatory men (which pretty much accounts for every man in womanface) are ever going to be acceptable for Muslim women. I mean I don't accept that any mammal can change sex in the first place, so just yelling "transwomen are women" isn't going to cut it for me.

And the indoctrination of girls is so damaging.

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