Kellie-Jay Keen is returning to New Zealand¹.
On September 20th , she’ll be here for the court case of the man who threw juice on her at the ‘Let Women Speak’ rally in Auckland earlier this year in March.
The man, who says he’s a woman and goes by the name Eli Rubashkyn, lied about his stance on radical gender ideology in order to infiltrate the area where Kellie-Jay Keen was going to speak. Shortly after she arrived, he threw an unknown liquid over her, which was later identified as tomato juice. Eli was removed by the security personnel accompanying KJK, and promptly crowed about his feat on camera. In subsequent social media communications, he swings wildly between still being cocky about his actions on that day, and at other times a lot less so, as the consequences come home.
Eli Rubashkyn was born with intersex and rare androgen insensitivity conditions, and has had medical interventions to induce a more female-looking appearance for himself. There’s no doubt he has had a troubled and chaotic life, which he seemingly continues to have. However, clearly he’s still conversant with right and wrong actions, otherwise he wouldn’t have planned and employed subterfuge to enact his assault on Kellie-Jay Keen.
He is scheduled to appear in the Auckland District Court on September 20 to face charges for common assault, under the name of Eliana Galberstein². Kellie-Jay Keen plans to hold a ‘Let Women Speak’ rally outside the courthouse³. I’ll be there - along with many others.
Just as a fyi of what else is going on here in New Zealand, feast your eyes on this absurdity in the pictures below. In the male toilets at the science dept of Auckland University, there is a plastic container with free sanitary items in them, because according to the poster above it “Not all who have periods are women”. Yep, the science dept at one of NZ’s leading universities believes that all it takes to be a man is to say that you are one, and vice versa.

Check out, too, what’s happening at the geothermal pools tourist attraction in Rotorua called Hell’s Gate. If a man says he’s a woman, he’s free to wander into the women’s changing rooms and get his knob out⁴.
We need to draw attention to these increasingly common violations of men’s and women’s dignity in what should be the sanctuary of good-purpose single-sex spaces, and on women’s rights and safety. The average Kiwi doesn’t yet know they are in the process of losing these, and when they finally do, this radical gender ideology will be well-threaded into the fabric of society, and unpicking it will be the legacy we leave our children and grandchildren. Even though our politicians, mainstream media, and trans activists do all they can to paint Kellie-Jay Keen in a bad light, much of which is an eye-watering stretch and interpretation of the truth, she brings awareness to these problems, and awareness of a problem is the first step to rectifying it.
For the purposes of getting a rough idea of the numbers going to the ‘Let Women Speak’ rally outside the Auckland District Court, a free ‘ticket’ can be obtained as a means of ascertaining that. Just fill in the number required, and ‘0’ as the purchase price (and, yes, it’s known that a common trans activist tactic is to hi-jack it).
Donations to assist with Kellie-Jay Keen’s travel expenses can be made, and/or merchandise can also be bought from the NZ shop, if desired. The t-shirts appear to be a snug fit – this is a size XL on me.
See you at the rally, where, if possible and all things going well, I will speak about the Christchurch City Council’s Qtopia-influenced decision to allow men who say they’re women into what should be a sanctuary for women-only in the women’s swim session at Te Pou Toetoe:Linwood Pool⁵.
¹Got my ESTA for New Zealand #LetWomenSpeak - YouTube
²Protester pleads not guilty to assault after throwing juice on Posie Parker |
³#LetWomenSpeakNZJustice | standing for women
Twitter: Standing for Women New Zealand - Local @Local_SFW_NZ
⁴It's a bit hellish for women at Hell's Gate in Rotorua, NZ. (
As a University of Otago graduate, I get their alumnae magazine and periodic requests for donor funding. When Otago gave Laurel Hubbard a women's sports award (after he competed against women at the Olympics), I scoured the university website for email addresses to complain to. I had just received another letter from them imploring me to give them scholarship money to give to worthy candidates. I told them that any university with a medical school and the responsibility for educating future doctors who could not tell the difference between men and women (or who willfully chose to ignore this), would not be getting one dollar of my money ever, however worthy the cause. I did not get a single reply to any of my emails.
As an older woman, I will be questioning all young doctors going forward, as I am not prepared to be treated by any medical professional who regards my sex as irrelevant in my medical care. I find it to be the height of irony that just at the point in history where the differences between women and men in both disease presentation and reaction to medications is finally being recognised and where women are not automatically considered to be smaller, faulty men, that gender ideology is regressing us back to an age where we were invisible or misunderstood sitting in a doctor's office.
Auckland science? Or the Department of Feelings?
It's not possible that he infiltrated that Rotunda without some help from security. Also why was a guy, so evidently not a woman but dressed as one, not challenged by others there.