As a University of Otago graduate, I get their alumnae magazine and periodic requests for donor funding. When Otago gave Laurel Hubbard a women's sports award (after he competed against women at the Olympics), I scoured the university website for email addresses to complain to. I had just received another letter from them imploring me to give them scholarship money to give to worthy candidates. I told them that any university with a medical school and the responsibility for educating future doctors who could not tell the difference between men and women (or who willfully chose to ignore this), would not be getting one dollar of my money ever, however worthy the cause. I did not get a single reply to any of my emails.

As an older woman, I will be questioning all young doctors going forward, as I am not prepared to be treated by any medical professional who regards my sex as irrelevant in my medical care. I find it to be the height of irony that just at the point in history where the differences between women and men in both disease presentation and reaction to medications is finally being recognised and where women are not automatically considered to be smaller, faulty men, that gender ideology is regressing us back to an age where we were invisible or misunderstood sitting in a doctor's office.

Auckland science? Or the Department of Feelings?

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Good on you for letting them know how ridiculous they are, and just how that will affect getting donations from you, and from others, too, I expect. If anything will get through to them, the withdrawal of funding will.

And you’re so right about the irony of this regressive ideology taking root just when the major differences between women’s and men’s bodies is finally starting to be taken seriously.

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Well said!

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I was asked by a doctor recently if I was vaccinated. Not sure I'd trust any needles from such a doctor.

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It's not possible that he infiltrated that Rotunda without some help from security. Also why was a guy, so evidently not a woman but dressed as one, not challenged by others there.

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He has managed to attain a reasonable level of looking female, due to his intersex and androgen insensitivity conditions, and taking artificial oestrogen. Not many blokes achieve that, but the very odd one does. When he got onto the band rotunda, he did it simply by duping the women there that he was on their ‘side’, and they were too casual about believing him. I don’t understand why they let anyone up there who wasn’t part of the organising team, especially as there had already been some sabotage of the area, but, for whatever reason, they did.

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NZers are a very trusting people still, although this is rapidly changing.

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I still think that he had some help Katrina. And agree totally with the 2nd part of your response.

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I remember reading at the time that he went up to the LWS table that was in front of the rotunda and had leafelts etc on it. He told the person/people looking after it that he was asked to look after it now - or something to that effect.

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He certainly sounds like an accomplished 'storyteller', if his other antics are anything to go by as well.

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I'd definitely still be changing the security. Also when somebody is according with woke somewhere else (i.e. the "Welcome to Country" of Australia) then my view is that their trustworthiness is near zero.

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Amazing what a bit of money can do to people.

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This is utterly despicable. Do they think it’s a joke to waste money offering free sanitary products to men? I guarantee that there are female students who don’t attend classes because they can’t afford period products. Disgusting!

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I would guess that period products are available in the women's toilet's, too, but there's a chance they may run out of them from time to time, whilst these ones languish in the men's toilets, or get mucked around with by some blokes for a lark.

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