I looked up the age of Chris Luxton as I was surprised by the way he responded when asked about single -sex toilets, as pointed out by Katrina. His reply of scoffing at the notion, says a lot about him. It shows just how dated and out of touch he is.

I remember hearing older men speak like this when I was in my early twenties (a while ago now!) when working in an office in Sydney. When any issues arose regarding benefits to females a similar language and tone was expressed. I thought this type had long disappeared.

Unfortunately, I see they are still with us and Chris Luxton is only 53 years old.

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This is just one example of many where govts and administrators seem to be knowingly and obstinately acting against the will of the public. Its like a technocratic cult has taken over democracy and redirected policy across the board to what cliques want rather than the mass public. Its hard not to see instances like Brexit and the Yes23 referendum as the public revolting and saying FU the only way they can when they are allowed a substantive vote on initiatives.

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Chris Luxton is a "rationalising and moralising, self-interest[ed]" coward. During this past year, I wrote to MPs from all politcal party's inside the NZ parliament (and several contenders) expressing my concerns about the erosion of sex based rights and protections for children arising from Self Id and the legal fiction of transgenderism. Apart from auto replies, I recieved two responses (and I wrote dozens of letters). The first was from a staffer in PM Hipkins office "I'll pass on your comments" and the other was from a bemused Raf Manji who said that although he considered that I made good sense "his team" were of differing views. Very shortly even the auto replies stopped, was I now considered a spamming nutter? Politicians and their emissaries specialize in the art of "not noticings" Quotes from this article https://www.lorenzofromoz.net/p/social-justice-as-social-strategy?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Fnot%2520noticing&utm_medium=reader2

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