The Federalist by MD Kittle Dec 5 2023. "Ed Department Finally Opens Investigation into Wisconsin School Over Transgender Shower Incident." ' Freshman girls told authorities that a transgender-identified 18 year- old Male student showered naked in front of them.' "I'm Trans, by the Way" was the heads up the girls got about their shower buddy.
CCC 'who identify as women". They have to 'identfy as' because it is obvious they're - not.
Is there an age requirement for women to attend this session of the facility?
Could a mother take her 10 year old water proficient daughter there?
"Very rare"? As the Transgender bar of acceptance gets lower, the more support and influence Transgenders have and the sneakier and more confident they will feel about flaunting themselves. As shown at the Wisconsin School. Meanwhile authorities are very tardy to act, while the young victim has to face intimidation and possible court appearances to prove they are normal to be repelled by the abnormal.
Yes - "very rare" doesn't take long to devolve into very common once policies are put in place that stipulate any man who says he's a woman is considered to be one, and boundaries get taken away.
I knew a Jacqui's sister once, but her name was Sonya. That could have been weird.
I think most of these councils are made up of do-gooders and cowards. I don't think that it takes too many malicious to bring these dystopian policies about.
Neurodiversity has now been added to the list of categories the Draft Equity and Inclusion Policy covers, which means a man with a psychological disorder can claim a woman ‘gender identity’ and go into all women’s and girls’ spaces. This policy is not only unsafe, it is demonstrably dangerous for women and girls.
As of now, apparently indecent exposure is no longer a crime. Most women have experienced this, an act of exhibiting power and to instill fear. It is perpetrated by males, the victims being females and/or children. The indecent exposers just say “oh by the way, I’m trans”. Women and girls are told to shut up.
The Federalist by MD Kittle Dec 5 2023. "Ed Department Finally Opens Investigation into Wisconsin School Over Transgender Shower Incident." ' Freshman girls told authorities that a transgender-identified 18 year- old Male student showered naked in front of them.' "I'm Trans, by the Way" was the heads up the girls got about their shower buddy.
CCC 'who identify as women". They have to 'identfy as' because it is obvious they're - not.
Is there an age requirement for women to attend this session of the facility?
Could a mother take her 10 year old water proficient daughter there?
"Very rare"? As the Transgender bar of acceptance gets lower, the more support and influence Transgenders have and the sneakier and more confident they will feel about flaunting themselves. As shown at the Wisconsin School. Meanwhile authorities are very tardy to act, while the young victim has to face intimidation and possible court appearances to prove they are normal to be repelled by the abnormal.
Yes - "very rare" doesn't take long to devolve into very common once policies are put in place that stipulate any man who says he's a woman is considered to be one, and boundaries get taken away.
I knew a Jacqui's sister once, but her name was Sonya. That could have been weird.
I think most of these councils are made up of do-gooders and cowards. I don't think that it takes too many malicious to bring these dystopian policies about.
Neurodiversity has now been added to the list of categories the Draft Equity and Inclusion Policy covers, which means a man with a psychological disorder can claim a woman ‘gender identity’ and go into all women’s and girls’ spaces. This policy is not only unsafe, it is demonstrably dangerous for women and girls.
Yep it is. Long past time that the males of NZ put a stop to it.
As of now, apparently indecent exposure is no longer a crime. Most women have experienced this, an act of exhibiting power and to instill fear. It is perpetrated by males, the victims being females and/or children. The indecent exposers just say “oh by the way, I’m trans”. Women and girls are told to shut up.
Correct - all a man has to do is say "I'm trans", and he gets a trans pass.
thank you.
Brilliant!! Well done, Katrina, and thank you.