Aug 8, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs

You are so right to be suspicious about this Katrina. Women are lied to and manipulated into "being kind", which here is a code word for prioritising the wants, desires and feelings of men (and their followers) over the actual needs and safeguarding of women and our hard fought for rights. Exactly how many is "too many" girls and women harmed by entrenching misogyny into the NZ legal system? Who is counting? Written over two years ago, this is even more relevant and frightening now than when it was published: https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/p/sex-and-statistics?fbclid=IwAR3SM-HWUPsr_zDUlUnFpM_llG6M0WUN0rFQrMKzTCRkeqx9fkKs4OqgFgI

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Good article by Fern. Many of us noted the absolute ridiculous statements from Census NZ about sex. It's beyond the comprehension of anyone with common sense. I made a submission to them about this, and noted that not one person on their working panel of so-called impartial experts to discuss having 'gender identity' in the census didn't have skin in the game. Not one out of about twelve (I think).

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"I see merit in this, and if the word ‘sex’ got further defined to ensure the differentiation was clear, then it could be a useful distinction to have in legislation. Even as it stands now, the mere use of the words ‘sex’ and ‘gender identity’ separately in the bill indicates a heretofore unspoken acknowledgement that they are two different things."

This is an important distinction. I am often minded of the observation of both of my 3 year olds sons' independent response to finding sticks of a certain size on the ground. These were almost immediately utilized as swords or rifles for war play without being told or shown that possibility. Unfortunately I do not have any daughters so I cannot say they do not do the same, but I strongly suspect they tend not to.

However if a three year old girl, were to pick up a stick and join in that behaviour that does not mean she is a male and should go on hormone blockers and have her breasts removed.

Nor if a 6 year old boy pretends to gallop like a horse and play ponies with a group of 6 year old girls, does that make him a girl and allow him to go into girls changing rooms.

But there is no room for nuance in this cult, so the nuance is deliberately ignored, nuance being an enemy of ideology.

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Even though girls are socialised, treated, and raised differently to boys, as well as dressed and decorated differently which affects what sort of behaviour they engage in, or are allowed to engage in, there is still an element of biological differences which can't be denied in the main. There are always those girls and boys who tend to behave in a way which we associate as being more like the other sex's, but there is also a strong gravitational pull towards certain things which seem to be biologically driven.

There seems to be a strong desire to label themselves in this cult - something we once strove to reject.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs

Yes, women are being emotionally abused by this movement. I feel so nervous when I speak the truth to others about it. I'm surprised how many agree with me and breathe a sigh of relief once one of us has said it. Sex is binary - end of story. Plus, I choose to protest gender theory due to its origins...I.e John money

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs

No idea. It was just a chat in the line at the supermarket.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs

Thanks for another good read Katrina! I'm gobsmacked by the insanity of this movement. I was talking to a transgender woman (man) this morning and have full respect for his choice to present and dress in 'feminine' ways but I still did not see a woman when I was talking to him.

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Was he a transsexual?

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs

I don't understand why there can't be a third option such as gender diverse for toilets etc?? And why can't sex-only spaces be protected? It may feel unfair to a few but sorry, life is unfair and in this case the privacy andd dignity of biological women and girls must be upheld.

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Yes, it's a good solution, but the TQ brigade don't want them. The men who say they're women want to go into women's and girls' spaces. They claim it's because it's distressing to not be "validated" - but I think we all now know what the main reason is.

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