Come on Aussie, this is horrid - the decision and the picture of the mental health patient accompanying it. Don’t suppose the judge has any female family members. Not on my team - no way!
While I was hoping for some clever legal maneuvers from the judge looks like they played it safe and just went with the blackletter text - which just focuses the problem as being legislative. Women as a legal class have been replaced by a class anyone can tick their way into. This has to be solved in parliament, and the pressure must come from the public. The ALP is looking really weak and this is an ideal placement to drive this issue if only the Libs have the guts to take it on as an election issue. If only the media will allow reporting to happen instead of strangling it.
Australian political terminology is different - here the conservative/pro-business party is called Liberal, the Aust Labor Party is the parallel to the Dems/your liberals instead.
Outside political labels the movement which has advanced gender ideology and the other components of "wokeism" or whatever you want to call it isn't actually liberal (in a true sense of the word), it is radical left/postmodern/elitist - or "cultural marxist".
This is a travesty not just against women , but also against truth! The trans cult now rules in Australia! Perverts will be able to invade women’s spaces. Rapists can claim to be women . Decent men should stand up in protest.
This judge perfectly captures Dicken’s contention that “the law is a ass” .. certainly he is! ( or does he go by” they” ?)
I am truly gutted by this judge's ruling! Nobody has the right to say a man can be a woman . This tickle critter is taking the piss out of women and the court has green lighted it.
At this point, after everything I’ve seen over the past several years, I’m pretty certain that we’re going to find out that the only men that support their fellow men invading women’s spaces are predators and sadists.
In line at the grocery store and several children “clocked” the sales clerk, the kids saying loudly for all to hear: “Look! That man is wearing a dress and lipstick!” The children belly laughed, some parents laughed in surprise at the beautiful and innocent honesty of children. I won’t teach my own children to lie or deny what they see, and I hope every parent will stand up for children’s honesty (even if it may be brutal for some to hear. my own children once said “mommy that man is as big as a tree! Referring to an incredibly tall man, and another time said “that’s Santa!” Referring to a hefty old man with a bushy white beard. He laughed and said “Ho Ho Ho”). Not a single person “corrected” the children in the grocery store giggling. It was a candid moment of childhood innocence.
Like the time my daughter who was 3 at the time said in a big loud voice “ mummy why is that man so fat”? We were on the bus and an obese man hopped on. I was embarrassed for him, but she did observe a very overweight person she kept staring.
Children are gifted with the absence of learned shame in saying the unfiltered truth!
It’s very discouraging that the judge in this case has pretended so hard not to see the obvious that they’ve now done a worse job than an actual child at declaring the truth. Children aren’t fooled by a man in a dress.
Our small girl did much the same thing in a supermarket...'Mama, there's a grandma'...bit of a pause...'a FAT grandma' the mother turned the trolley around in case anything further occurred to her as we approached the poor woman. Makes for a great tale down the line...
The more I research ‘trans,’ the deeper I get, the more repulsive I find it. The worst of it is that Ordinary People, so busy busy busy with the splendid minutiae of their lives, would think you were insane if you blurted out some of the nastier realities.
I’ve just been reading more posts on here about the ruling. The more I read about the judges ruling it pains me to realise that gender identity trumps biological sex. So, what does this mean then for the human race going forward. If Australia changed their law in 2013 and NZ is wanting to include gender identity in HRA what does it mean for women protection going forward ? I think it is now time women take to the streets to defend their rights and freedoms. I’m so lost for words legislation has let us down leaders have let us down. Why the hell have the governments around the world let the minority blow sex apart.
What power they weld to dismantle and disrupt our society. Am I right in thinking if gender is in the HRA it basically abolishes sex. Sex is dissolved then?
If 'gender' goes into law alongside 'sex', they will be in contest with each other, but it's almost guaranteed that 'gender' will be used to trump 'sex' in any dispute. Unlike Australia, there is no proposal to replace 'sex' with 'gender' in NZ law - yet. However, we know that it will be used exactly like it now has been used in Australia.
The neo-communist vision is arguably nihilist. In the 80’s (I was already an active feminist), all that mattered was The Dictatorship of The Proletariat. The only path to utopia was via the ascendancy of the working class. But that fizzled. Then the slogan changed. The only path to utopia is the ascendancy of a doctrine that denies difference – if no difference, then utopia! It sounds heavy duty to say, but this tech-enabled authoritarian neo-communist dynamic seeks the end of nations, families, and the male-female reality.
'Why the hell have the governments around the world let the minority blow sex apart.'
This is the lesser of the two perspectives that will get me in to hot water here. So, here goes:
let us rudely divide ‘trans’/LGBTQI into four categories. The first – a tiny category – is ‘true transsexuals.’ The second is ‘political trans.’ The third is ‘corporate trans.’ The last is ‘fashion-trend trans’ – ‘I’m an edgy NB ‘cause my Mum is a bitch!’
‘Why are Gubmints doing this?’ is Category Three. There is a *lot* to unpack here. One thing I am sure of is that 99% of Ordinary People have no phcukin’ idea what is going on. For them, ‘LGBTQI’ is a ‘catch-up compassion thing' following the western world having taken way too long with the LGB thang. (And Singer’s expanding moral circle is a reality that has been almost *completely* overlooked!)
Part is that ‘Gubmint’ – we saw this during the Covid responses – is joined at the hip to corporations. ‘GuvvyCorp’ can make money; bandy bogus compassion around; and enlarge its fiefdom.
Thanks Mark, when I first heard of the rainbow crew it was 2014. At the time I just thought oh gay and lesbian wanting to be more visible that’s ok. Then things started moving language was changing and I was dealing with UG students with coloured hair and wanted me to call them different names. Again, I thought ummm life is hard enough and you really want to make it harder knock yourself out. Then we were told at work about non binary again I was like what is that !! I ignored it and thought oh it’s a trend, fad it will die a death. Now I have read so much, listened keep up to date with what is happening and now I’m like yep it’s a cult with tentacles that spread far and wide. I consider myself gender critical and have raised my daughter with the strength to see how strong she is and to have uncomfortable conversations about the ideology. I do know this, the world is going to be different if we give any more room to the cult. My mother raised us girls to be strong, independent and not let men ever take advantage. I guess I hear my mother when I see another male imposter.
Why? Because if you start with the Lysenkoism of the 1930’s, and assume that the anti-human-nature movement (‘anti-essentialism’) of the 60’s-80’s was a continuation of that, you can identify how postmodernist/post-structuralist thought provided fertile soil for what is going on today.
I did my political apprenticeship with anarcha-feminists in Newtown, Sydney, in the mid-80’s. I am (somehow still) a 2nd-wave TERF difference feminist. And I’ve watched with fascination how the authoritarian left has rebadged/remodeled/relaunched. (Research the ISO of the 90’s, which became Socialist Alternative.) By the mid-90’s, you could see the cogs turning in their heads:
“Well, this dictatorship of the proletariat thing is dead. How do we seize control of the human race now?!”
‘We’ll shift from an international class-warfare focus to working within the parliamentarist model. We’ll dump ‘class’ for ‘gender.’ We’ll team up with the capitalists whom we’ve always loathed!’
And *you* might ask: ‘Where does this leave women?’ And the answer is: When did authoritarian (neo-)communists ever give a fuck about whoever got hurt in their power-grabs?
This is very disheartening, especially considering it's the first major court case to go against sex realists. Also, unfortunately, the High Court challenge is by no means a done deal for Sall. But there is precedent for bad outcomes in court decisions being corrected by amended (improved) legislation, or government action. I think that's the endgame here
Come on Aussie, this is horrid - the decision and the picture of the mental health patient accompanying it. Don’t suppose the judge has any female family members. Not on my team - no way!
Totally devastating. Germaine Greer was right all along.
While I was hoping for some clever legal maneuvers from the judge looks like they played it safe and just went with the blackletter text - which just focuses the problem as being legislative. Women as a legal class have been replaced by a class anyone can tick their way into. This has to be solved in parliament, and the pressure must come from the public. The ALP is looking really weak and this is an ideal placement to drive this issue if only the Libs have the guts to take it on as an election issue. If only the media will allow reporting to happen instead of strangling it.
I thought it was the liberals who are for this crap. In the US , it’s only conservatives who stand against such lies!
Australian political terminology is different - here the conservative/pro-business party is called Liberal, the Aust Labor Party is the parallel to the Dems/your liberals instead.
Outside political labels the movement which has advanced gender ideology and the other components of "wokeism" or whatever you want to call it isn't actually liberal (in a true sense of the word), it is radical left/postmodern/elitist - or "cultural marxist".
In the Australian context 'Liberal' refers to economic liberalism, i.e. no regulations for the conservatives' rich business mates
How devastating for Sal, why would the judge not stand by women. What a complete wanker !
This is a travesty not just against women , but also against truth! The trans cult now rules in Australia! Perverts will be able to invade women’s spaces. Rapists can claim to be women . Decent men should stand up in protest.
This judge perfectly captures Dicken’s contention that “the law is a ass” .. certainly he is! ( or does he go by” they” ?)
This happened because Julia Gillard’s Labor Government changed the Sex Discrimination Act to exclude the sex based definition of woman and man.
Thanks for the update, Katrina. Sending strength in sisterhood from up here where equally oblivious judges have way too much power, for now.
I am truly gutted by this judge's ruling! Nobody has the right to say a man can be a woman . This tickle critter is taking the piss out of women and the court has green lighted it.
Check the judge’s had drive.
At this point, after everything I’ve seen over the past several years, I’m pretty certain that we’re going to find out that the only men that support their fellow men invading women’s spaces are predators and sadists.
In line at the grocery store and several children “clocked” the sales clerk, the kids saying loudly for all to hear: “Look! That man is wearing a dress and lipstick!” The children belly laughed, some parents laughed in surprise at the beautiful and innocent honesty of children. I won’t teach my own children to lie or deny what they see, and I hope every parent will stand up for children’s honesty (even if it may be brutal for some to hear. my own children once said “mommy that man is as big as a tree! Referring to an incredibly tall man, and another time said “that’s Santa!” Referring to a hefty old man with a bushy white beard. He laughed and said “Ho Ho Ho”). Not a single person “corrected” the children in the grocery store giggling. It was a candid moment of childhood innocence.
Fantastic :-)
Like the time my daughter who was 3 at the time said in a big loud voice “ mummy why is that man so fat”? We were on the bus and an obese man hopped on. I was embarrassed for him, but she did observe a very overweight person she kept staring.
Children are gifted with the absence of learned shame in saying the unfiltered truth!
It’s very discouraging that the judge in this case has pretended so hard not to see the obvious that they’ve now done a worse job than an actual child at declaring the truth. Children aren’t fooled by a man in a dress.
Our small girl did much the same thing in a supermarket...'Mama, there's a grandma'...bit of a pause...'a FAT grandma' the mother turned the trolley around in case anything further occurred to her as we approached the poor woman. Makes for a great tale down the line...
This is all women are worth, nothing.
The more I research ‘trans,’ the deeper I get, the more repulsive I find it. The worst of it is that Ordinary People, so busy busy busy with the splendid minutiae of their lives, would think you were insane if you blurted out some of the nastier realities.
Excellent post, Katrina.
On the (I hope) appeal Sall will be able to attack the Sex Discrimination Act itself. Onwards!
Have cross posted
Thank you! Women (and men) all around the world are donating to her crowdfunder to take this forward.
I’ve just donated
I’ve just been reading more posts on here about the ruling. The more I read about the judges ruling it pains me to realise that gender identity trumps biological sex. So, what does this mean then for the human race going forward. If Australia changed their law in 2013 and NZ is wanting to include gender identity in HRA what does it mean for women protection going forward ? I think it is now time women take to the streets to defend their rights and freedoms. I’m so lost for words legislation has let us down leaders have let us down. Why the hell have the governments around the world let the minority blow sex apart.
What power they weld to dismantle and disrupt our society. Am I right in thinking if gender is in the HRA it basically abolishes sex. Sex is dissolved then?
If 'gender' goes into law alongside 'sex', they will be in contest with each other, but it's almost guaranteed that 'gender' will be used to trump 'sex' in any dispute. Unlike Australia, there is no proposal to replace 'sex' with 'gender' in NZ law - yet. However, we know that it will be used exactly like it now has been used in Australia.
Thanks Katrina, we need to hold onto our protection.
The neo-communist vision is arguably nihilist. In the 80’s (I was already an active feminist), all that mattered was The Dictatorship of The Proletariat. The only path to utopia was via the ascendancy of the working class. But that fizzled. Then the slogan changed. The only path to utopia is the ascendancy of a doctrine that denies difference – if no difference, then utopia! It sounds heavy duty to say, but this tech-enabled authoritarian neo-communist dynamic seeks the end of nations, families, and the male-female reality.
'Why the hell have the governments around the world let the minority blow sex apart.'
This is the lesser of the two perspectives that will get me in to hot water here. So, here goes:
let us rudely divide ‘trans’/LGBTQI into four categories. The first – a tiny category – is ‘true transsexuals.’ The second is ‘political trans.’ The third is ‘corporate trans.’ The last is ‘fashion-trend trans’ – ‘I’m an edgy NB ‘cause my Mum is a bitch!’
‘Why are Gubmints doing this?’ is Category Three. There is a *lot* to unpack here. One thing I am sure of is that 99% of Ordinary People have no phcukin’ idea what is going on. For them, ‘LGBTQI’ is a ‘catch-up compassion thing' following the western world having taken way too long with the LGB thang. (And Singer’s expanding moral circle is a reality that has been almost *completely* overlooked!)
Part is that ‘Gubmint’ – we saw this during the Covid responses – is joined at the hip to corporations. ‘GuvvyCorp’ can make money; bandy bogus compassion around; and enlarge its fiefdom.
Thanks Mark, when I first heard of the rainbow crew it was 2014. At the time I just thought oh gay and lesbian wanting to be more visible that’s ok. Then things started moving language was changing and I was dealing with UG students with coloured hair and wanted me to call them different names. Again, I thought ummm life is hard enough and you really want to make it harder knock yourself out. Then we were told at work about non binary again I was like what is that !! I ignored it and thought oh it’s a trend, fad it will die a death. Now I have read so much, listened keep up to date with what is happening and now I’m like yep it’s a cult with tentacles that spread far and wide. I consider myself gender critical and have raised my daughter with the strength to see how strong she is and to have uncomfortable conversations about the ideology. I do know this, the world is going to be different if we give any more room to the cult. My mother raised us girls to be strong, independent and not let men ever take advantage. I guess I hear my mother when I see another male imposter.
‘a cult with tentacles that spread far and wide.’
I will militate against the notion of ‘cult.’
Why? Because if you start with the Lysenkoism of the 1930’s, and assume that the anti-human-nature movement (‘anti-essentialism’) of the 60’s-80’s was a continuation of that, you can identify how postmodernist/post-structuralist thought provided fertile soil for what is going on today.
I did my political apprenticeship with anarcha-feminists in Newtown, Sydney, in the mid-80’s. I am (somehow still) a 2nd-wave TERF difference feminist. And I’ve watched with fascination how the authoritarian left has rebadged/remodeled/relaunched. (Research the ISO of the 90’s, which became Socialist Alternative.) By the mid-90’s, you could see the cogs turning in their heads:
“Well, this dictatorship of the proletariat thing is dead. How do we seize control of the human race now?!”
‘We’ll shift from an international class-warfare focus to working within the parliamentarist model. We’ll dump ‘class’ for ‘gender.’ We’ll team up with the capitalists whom we’ve always loathed!’
And *you* might ask: ‘Where does this leave women?’ And the answer is: When did authoritarian (neo-)communists ever give a fuck about whoever got hurt in their power-grabs?
This is very disheartening, especially considering it's the first major court case to go against sex realists. Also, unfortunately, the High Court challenge is by no means a done deal for Sall. But there is precedent for bad outcomes in court decisions being corrected by amended (improved) legislation, or government action. I think that's the endgame here