The man in a pink dress, who 'tomato-juiced' Kellie-Jay Keen in New Zealand in 2023, gets convicted and discharged.
Pink dress or not, disguised as a ‘Karen’ or not, Eliana Golberstein aka Eli Rubashkyn is male. In March 2023, he attended the Let Women Speak rally in Albert Park, Auckland, which Kellie-Jay Keen was fronting in a flying visit to New Zealand during her nearby Australian tour. Prior to her arrival at Albert Park, Eli deceived his way onto the historic band rotunda, from where Kellie-Jay and the women rally-attendees were going to speak.
When she got there, he doused her (and another woman) with tomato juice, whereupon he was removed by Kellie-Jay’s security team. After that, as we know, all hell broke loose. The transactivists protesting the rally went feral, and Kellie-Jay barely made it out with her life.
According to him, Eli was born with intersex and rare androgen insensitivity conditions, and has had medical interventions to induce a more female-looking appearance. If true, there’s no doubt these conditions he was born with would have caused him to have a rough life in his home country of Colombia, and he was eventually granted refuge in New Zealand. However, his actions at the Let Women Speak rally were premediated, and purely a result of the thoughts in his own head.
Let’s remember that in the moment when the juice was poured over Kellie-Jay Keen, she had no idea if it was a harmless liquid, or not. The fact that Eli premeditated his actions also meant that it was completely within the bounds of possibility he could have decided to escalate the juice to something more sinister, when planning the assault.
Eli crowed about his juice-dousing antics to the media immediately afterwards, and said “I am so proud I dropped the juice, and I would do it again, and again – if I have to go to prison for one year, I am more than happy.” It was a little difficult to plead “not guilty” after that when he was charged with premeditated common assault, although he initially did try.
Despite Eli’s bravado, his lawyer asked the judge during the court case to discharge Eli without conviction. The judge didn’t consider that was justified, and discharged him with a conviction, albeit with some sympathy, too.
In typical fashion, the NZ Herald trotted out an article about the court case with a headline which contained the tired old “anti-trans campaigner” phrase in it to describe Kellie-Jay Keen – aka: Pose Parker. Surprisingly, Stuff – whom I’ve come to expect to be the more melodramatic of the two news outlets – ran a more measured piece, comparatively speaking. It needs to be stressed, though, that neither news outlet has clean hands when reporting about transgenderism in NZ. Both of them, amongst others, have been guilty of biasedly reporting only in favour of transgenderism and its ideology, and against anyone who doesn’t agree with it, or simply ghosting them. A measured piece is an anomaly, until shown otherwise.
The Women’s Rights Party issues well-written media releases when matters of concern to women arise, but because the party maintains the reality that men can never be women, the mainstream media won’t publish anything issued by them. The Women’s Rights Party stands for biological women’s rights, which, in the strange times we live in, needs to be differentiated from the phenomenon of ‘legal women’. Anyone who needs to state that they’re a ‘legal woman’ is a man. Those adhering to that reality seem to be categorised as ‘too hot to handle’ for our mainstream media.
In response to Eli Rubashkyn’s conviction, the Women’s Rights Party has issued the below media release. In it, they examine how the violence at Albert Park towards the rally attendees of mainly older women, was indicative of the growing levels of misogyny we’re experiencing - traits which Eli himself exhibits. Whilst there were men at Albert Park who didn’t hesitate for one second to help the women attending the rally, there were many more men amongst the transactivists baying for their blood. The Women’s Rights Party takes the opportunity of Eli’s conviction and attitude to highlight in their media release the ways these growing levels of overt misogyny towards women are manifesting.
Misogyny behind attacks on women’s rights campaigners and women politicians - Women's Rights Party (
PS: I agree that men aren’t immune from getting threats of harm and violence, or from misandry. However, I invite any man in a public position to swap identities with a woman in a similar position, or any gender-critical woman, and then weigh it up for comparison. I also accept that occasions of ‘chafing’ between women and men does happen, but misogyny is another step above that.
Others who should have been in the dock with him include the Green Party, including one of their co-leaders who thought that Eli did a pretty good job, Chris Hipkins who although he wasn't there, was clearly cheering from the sidelines and various other Green and Labour MPS who expressed opinions that appeared to support young men bashing up women superannuitants. Not to forget the media, none of which reported honestly, nor factually about KJK as a women's rights campaigner or the basic conflict between the hard-fought rights of women and the always just assumed rights of men even if they claim to have left their maleness behind.
The one silver lining in this fiasco was the attention it brought to this issue, which most of the public was unaware of before the global coverage this elicited.
How can someone, anyone, seen "repeatedly punching" anyone in the face get let off?