Ew, ew, ew... FFS is nothing sacred anymore? I mean Santa is already a man, with "Mrs. Claus" a distant, add on second fiddle. How do we know this? Because he has a beard stupid. He does not have to have a visible dick as well, surely? And no 'real' Santa would be caught dead showing off his tackle in fishnet knickers. For starters, it's bloody cold where he lives in the North Pole and wouldn't he be worried about frostbite?
Stop trying to sexualise everything guys. We know you are in charge of the world; please stop trying to groom youngsters into your paraphilias. Enough of them will eventually find their own way there without any help from you.
Most mothers support the freedom to love whom you love, regardless of gender, but most absolutely don't want the physical aspects of this love to be demonstrated to their children.
Keep it in the bedroom, guys and gals, and off the street.
Yes, exactly, keep the adult party games at home. Childhood is sacrosanct. Get away from our children, Dirty Santa. A lump of coal for you this year, Ponsonby Business Association.
I've begun hearing the phrase 'the Ponsonby pink panties perverts' here and there. Scathing! That could take a while to live down if gains traction :-)
Ew, ew, ew... FFS is nothing sacred anymore? I mean Santa is already a man, with "Mrs. Claus" a distant, add on second fiddle. How do we know this? Because he has a beard stupid. He does not have to have a visible dick as well, surely? And no 'real' Santa would be caught dead showing off his tackle in fishnet knickers. For starters, it's bloody cold where he lives in the North Pole and wouldn't he be worried about frostbite?
Stop trying to sexualise everything guys. We know you are in charge of the world; please stop trying to groom youngsters into your paraphilias. Enough of them will eventually find their own way there without any help from you.
A truly brainless Business Assn idea.
No doubt dreamed up by the Ponsonby pink panties perverts.
Most mothers support the freedom to love whom you love, regardless of gender, but most absolutely don't want the physical aspects of this love to be demonstrated to their children.
Keep it in the bedroom, guys and gals, and off the street.
Yes, exactly, keep the adult party games at home. Childhood is sacrosanct. Get away from our children, Dirty Santa. A lump of coal for you this year, Ponsonby Business Association.
I've begun hearing the phrase 'the Ponsonby pink panties perverts' here and there. Scathing! That could take a while to live down if gains traction :-)
You aced it!
Thank you :-)
Couldn’t agree more. Santa is for children, not adults. As Lucy says, is nothing sacred anymore?
Ponsonby..... home of the woke