The news coverage of KJK's brief visit to NZ was something straight out of "1984". “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” “But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023Author

The reporting was so twisted, for the first time ever I began to truly get a taste of how a totalitarian regime takes over. It was very sobering.

PS: I've been made aware the link to the list is 'broken', and will be fixing that :-)

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thank you for the research and your clarity. nz mainsteam media were rubbish before covid but since then (when jacinda brought in her special "speak my truth for safety " powers), they have become a malevolent source of misinformation.

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It will take a concerted effort for the mainstream media to regain their reputation.

PS: I've been made aware the link is 'broken', and will be fixing that :-)

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i can't imagine it happening. i feel that we lost the last vestiges democracy in covid. we are nothing more a WEF testing zone now. more so than many other countries. because our corrupt media and compliant population ensure dissent is suppressed. we are a sheep state.

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I'm of the same opinion of a number of others that we will see a swing to conservatism, because the majority of people are feeling very unstable with today's governments, and they'll prefer a 'steady hand' than the wild social experimentation we've been undergoing. The conservative swing will certainly be a bit of a double-edged sword, though.

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Katrina, what or which "wild social experimentation" are you referencing?

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Trans ideology.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs

Agreed. It's grim.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs

Thanks for this article - the link to the round-up will be useful when it's working. I spoke to my MP last Tuesday (he was there and he hasn't condemned the violence). True to the playbook his first response was "Violence? What violence?"

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The link is working now, but you have to go into the article to access it, rather than from the email. https://aboldwoman.substack.com/p/the-posie-parker-madness-of-new-zealands

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Apr 27, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs

Family First is having a Conference on 30 June. Family First is a conservative group that is supportive of woman's spaces. You can view the promo at the link below.

Forum on the Family 2023


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deletedApr 24, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs
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I think it woke many, many others up, too.

PS: I've been made aware that the link to list is 'broken, and will get that fixed :-)

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