Matauranga Maori incorporated for another perspective is of interest but imposed as tikanga on a financial system which supposedly is an advisor to bodies on keeping equity alive in the market and prudent governmental fiscal management, is likely to be at the very least a retrograde and a misleading move. Who will be on the interview panel...hmm I pick Dame Margaret Mutu, Chloe S and Grant Robertson I guess!

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I agree - Mataurang Maori may be of great interest for some, in the right context.

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Snigger. Did noone stop to think that likening themselves to something which is 1. hollow and 2. rotten to the core (not a criticism it just happens to old kauri trees) was perhaps not the best simile? They don't need a diversity and inclusion officer; they need a botanist.

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I don’t think ideology bothers with facts. I agree that that’s worth a snigger at the Reserve Bank :-)

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FFS Katrina, what next? They will have no problem finding someone for this job unfortunately. I LOVED your new hapu- brilliant. There will be an awful lot of money going under mattresses if you have to perform a karakia before you can access your own money using an ATM. Here are some tips the new Reserve Bank “thought leadership" person may want to utilise: https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/how-to-establish-a-new-reality-aka

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It's scary to know that we can see all eight of those steps being enacted in the West right now!

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If the Reserve Bank could print Kauri trees as easily as they print money, New Zealand would be a lot better off.

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Thanks Katrina. Michael Reddell has written of this in his blog Croaking Cassandra historically so this latest move by the RBNZ is consistent with the trend. The board is padded with woke folks. Orr demands fealty so those chaffing at the culture have left the bank since his time as governor.

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Thanks, Hilary - I’ll check out that blog. Is it on Substack?

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Wordpress, being going some yrs.

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I'm sorry, but I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Katrina, this is both the funniest and saddest and most frustrating thing you've written yet, I love it, and omg. "The Reserve Bank is like Tāne Māhuta". Will New Zealanders please, for the love of all things holy, get a grip!!! The Reserve Bank is not like ANY KIND OF GOD, especially not of the Forest! It's a BANK. Traditionally, not Friends of the Forest. This is the desperate thrashings of a people who are mentally ill, desperately searching for meaning, snatching greedily at the nearest culture to hand like drowning men. The bankers know, deep down, that the majority of their investments are in things like mining, and deep sea drilling, and oil, and coal, and pharma, and animal testing and totalitarian animal farming. No wonder they're pretending to represent Tāne Māhuta. How else are they going to sleep at night? Way back, when the first botanists arrived in the 1700's, there was an evening where a Māori man was asked to identify 300 different species. He named them all. Suspicious, the botanists found another Māori man, the following evening, and he gave them the same names, with only a handful of dialectical differences - but the same names. These people at the Reserve Bank, talking this offensive nonsense, they couldn't identify ten trees in the forest and tell you their story if you took them out into the bush and offered them all the gold bars in the world. I'd be surprised if they all knew the Christmas song "Pukeko in a Ponga Tree', to be honest.

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Great comment, Sarah. To my mind, it smacks of being the brainchild of an unthinking juvenile, with no oversight from the grownups. However, we know that the grownups are afraid to do what grownups are supposed to do anymore. They’ve been manipulated to be derelict of their duty by clever, shaming narratives.

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The vast majority of us who work for a wage or salary.

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I can't wait until the Reserve Bank is taken over by a Workers' Government and becomes the Workers' Bank. Then we will all understand that workers are a class, which includes women and a sex-class, and not an identity.

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What do you define as "workers"? After all, everyone who works at the bank is a worker.

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The historical instances when "workers' govts" have taken over show they will very quickly create a new elite class for themselves and become the new parasites. Indeed the "workers'" movement - previously known as the left - has actually kicked out the workers and become entirely bourgeois.

DEI is precisely above process taking place: a new nomenklatura creating a system of patronage and sinecures for their own clique. The titular job is exactly this.

People from the old communist bloc can recognise this immediately, its a shame the bulk of Westerners couldn't see this quickly enough to nip it in the bud. We will have to dig very deeply to roll all this back.

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Yes workers revolutions have failed but not because of any inevitable rise of new elites. They failed because a hostile patriarchal capitalist world system isolated and defeated them.

Now that capitalism has reached its terminal crisis and threatens to destroy nature and end humanity we have to draw on our lessons from the past. The first human societies were egalitarian, without hierarchies of class or gender, until they were overthrown by the patriarchy.

We need to draw on the history of the first commune as the inspiration for a new commune that rescues us from nuclear and ecological catastrophe.

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You are displaying the precise same attitude which is responsible for all the problems we are discussing: the belief in one perfect system that will solve all problems is we only enforce it on society. This is precisely the cult that progressivism has become, ideologues then convince themselves that whatever price needed to be paid to establish this utopia is acceptable and grant themselves permission to do whatever is required.

We don't live in small clan groups but mass society and hierarchies are inevitable, the point of liberalism and egalitarianism was to enable them to be set fairly and grant social mobility. Regulated capitalism worked just fine before neoliberals decided to get too greedy - workers have never had it better than the postwar boom, compare to the livelihoods of their counterparts in communist nations.

People don't care about pie in the sky communes, they just want perverts out of womens' spaces, a decent job and affordable housing.

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