Let me give you a literal instance from a Hagley teachers' meeting with an imam ( no I will not capitalise the word); who viciously verbalised what should happrn to an unveiled/ inadequately veiled woman.
A fellow tutor, who was also a University lecturer ...was in our group. She is muslim (again I will not capitalise).
She is Pakistani. A single mother. She came to NZ for safety for her dusabled daughter. Her daughter would not have survived in Pakistan.
Disabled children, especially if girls, do not.
This muslim man sneered at my colleague re her loosely draped pale blue silk scarf.
" Back home in Pakistan you would be stoned to death for your disrespect."
She and I got up and walked out.
Other teachers present neither said nor did anything. 20 years ago.
Think how complicit in hurting women, femicide inciting, our sociery and our 'education 'institutions have always been.
This reminds me very much of an event I attended at Vic Uni in the early 90s. It was the middle of winter, so I was dressed in a long-sleeved jersey, jeans, and was wearing a long coat. The imam took one look at me and said I was dressed immodestly because my head was uncovered. Let's just say I took exception to that...:-)
Pakistanis are inbred recessive incest-loving losers.
50% marry their first cousin.
The figure rises to 70% in Bradford, England.
Islam is a desert death cult that enables woman haters, child molesters and rapists, goatfuckers and incest. Fuck Islam. #WhotheFuckisAllah? A pedophile goat-fucker.
Go to a Muslim country if you want to hate women and rape children you morally bereft maggots.
Racism isn’t the answer to sexism and necrocapitalism, Rex. It’s the answer that demagogues want you to embrace, but it’s just more fuel for class-on-class conflict instead of the needed war against oligarchies.
Hate the religion, I do too (but I hate them all), hate the cultural relativity bias that prevents rooting out predators and free-loaders, but please don’t hate the people just because they’re different.
LoL I repeat: 50% of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. It's 70% in Bradford, England. Cousin-fucking incest-lovers can get to fuck.
I will NEVER accept their 'culture' or 'way of life' because it's fucking disgusting. Yes, my culture is above the culture of this country - they indulge in incest, kidfucking and woman hating.
That's not racist. That's rightly not wanting degeneracy and filth to take hold the way it has in Muslim countries.
You do you, honey. I will NEVER accept anyone from ANY country that practises this vile shit.
I’m so relieved to learn that ethnic Brits have neither any current problems nor history involving incest (other than your rulers), kidfucking (I can make a list just of BBCers), or woman hating (everyone *loves* KJK, amirite?).
Oh wait, your precious culture also has problems present and past, but not every Brit is a scumbag.
Kinda like what I’m saying about Pakistani immigrants.
I really like your culture - it’s the foundation of ours in 🇨🇦 after all, and a pretty good (but imperfect) model for the world, all in all. But if you’re going to tar an entire nation with your bigotry, you should really get to work fixing the problems you’ve had a couple or few thousand years to get to.
Unless it’s not really about protecting kids and women, but rather your racism at work. 🤷
LMFAO I'm in NZ so fuck your assumptions about Britain/England/UK. Perhaps you can fix the shit going on in Tranada first before you start throwing that sort of shit around haha.
When a full HALF of a nation are incest-loving kidfuckers, it's a problem with that race.
Maybe it IS my racism at work. And I am totally fine with that. Pakistan can fuck right off. Half of them are incest-fucked and the other half woman hating kidfuckers. I'm happy to stand against that bullshit, whatEVER you call me.
Now off you fuck, mate. You'll never get me to feel ashamed of despising kidfuckers, incest-lovers, goat-fuckers and woman haters when fully half their nation is supporting it and wanting the rest of the world to pay for their recessive inbreds.
I hadn’t realized that NZ was also free of those same problems (including KJK, coincidentally, and our shared monarchies), plus I guess how you treated and continue to treat the Māori people is really just a minor misunderstanding.
I mean, I know I’m not going to change your mind.
But I’m still going to call you a piece of shit racist. Sadly, I’m not even getting the satisfaction of outing your true beliefs to anyone, as you’ve demonstrated by your initial response alone just how completely racist you are.
PS yes, Canada is fucking crazy on the trans front (and others, including our own history of mistreating Indigenous peoples). But I am doing what I can about those, not simply blaming entire swaths of immigrants.
Can you say the same about your own backyard? Or do you just yell about the <insert slur here>?
To whom you are attracted sexually is purely subjective and therefore cannot reasonably be contested by an outside observer.
Where you decide to live your life on a spectrum of superficial, stereotypical male to female attributes (and we all do) is also purely subjective and similarly cannot be questioned.
However, your biological sex reflects an objective reality which cannot be changed by your subjective personal view and futile attempts to do so can result in serious health impacts to you as well as harms to members of the sex you are impersonating (primarily women).
Others who are grounded in objective reality should never be forced to accept your subjective version of your actual biological sex.
Finally, it's past time for the LGB community to separate themselves from the trans activists who are trying to take away the rights of women to fairness in sports and to privacy and safety in their restrooms, locker rooms and prisons. They also advocate for the chemical and surgical mutilation of children many of whom would grow up gay.
Their actions are evil and the
understandable negative reaction to the harm they are causing is spilling over to innocent people who are just going about their business, marrying and leading their lives.
A brilliantly apt analogy. The verbal veiling of western women is indeed akin to the physical veiling, only more covert and cunning, as you say, as well as crazier in that it claims to be for the good of everyone, including women, and so many women, even those like my daughter (29), who very much considers herself to be a feminist, fell for it and continue to fight for it. It's extraordinary power to all but obliterate the language we women and feminists use to describe our unique experiences and defend ourselves against sex discrimination and misrepresentation came from tapping into the underlying hatred of women fed by the relentless lament, from men and allies, about feminists being 'anti-men' or indeed 'man haters', and modern society now favouring girls and women. Mother-blaming is also central to this underlying misogyny and possibly one reason for the readiness of many younger women to campaign for the evil M-word to be ejected from maternity care practice. I guess 'maternity' will have to go too eventually, as it means mother or motherhood. Or perhaps they haven't figured that out. 🙄
Yes, the word 'maternity' must be sticking in the wokesters' craws at Health NZ. I expect they've looked at ways to use a more 'inclusive' term, and am somewhat surprised they haven't already used a substitute. Hopefully, they've missed the tide on doing it now, but I'm not holding my breath yet.
It's probably been chucked in the 'too hard' basket. As clever as they are at warping words to suit their warped world view and aims, 'maternity' presents a distinct challenge for anyone who doesn't want the words 'woman' and 'mother' used but cannot exclude references female humans altogether. I hope no one at the Word-queering headquarters has an aneurism trying to bend their brains to the challenge. 🤨
So much 'good' to read, so little time...thanks again Katrina. (One on the Boghossian event in ChCh? I was a bit underwhlemed. Go you for volunteering in the moment).
You & others have said it all re language use & subversion. The reclamation continues as the mainstream agencies & organs of the state both big & small use inertia as an excuse to veil their own complicity. We're watching like Sherlocks/Watsons.
My journalist friend, along with her male colleagues, was invited to interview an imam in Bradford. I was shocked to hear she was not only veiled but expected to stay in the corner surrounded by a screen. Nor was she offered a chair. She could peep through the screen but not ask questions. Nope. No way. Never. That was about a decade ago.
I bet she was angry at such a disrespectful attitude towards her as a woman. Who do these men think they are? Certainly not 'God's gift' - or should I say 'Allah's gift' - as they like to think they are.
Lol! One of these days I just know I'll be tempted to write that when I'm asked for my 'gender' on a form or survey. In fact, I have one in mind right now. It's a survey I like doing, though, so I'll see how I feel when I get around to it :-)
if ya confused .. just visit any maternity ward ; every single human is born from one of our wombs .. and god is the data industrial estate jealous of innate women
Language is key, because language is how we, uniquely perhaps, *reprogram* ourselves and others (ie learn and build cultures that survive generations). It’s not just part of what makes us different, I believe it is the core.
And thus obscuring language is a blow to our humanity. As every PoMo-addled fool knows and promotes, intentionally or otherwise.
It’s really the linguistic aspect of it, which has crept into a far wider scope of academia than simply literary critique.
I hate AI, but this is a decent summary foisted upon me by Google search:
Postmodernism has a unique view of language, which is based on the work of Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure. Postmodernists believe that language is self-referential, meaning that the meaning of a word is a range of differences and contrasts with other words, rather than a static idea or thing in the world.
Postmodernism's views on language include:
Elevating language: Postmodernists consider language and text to be fundamental to existence.
Applying literary analysis: Postmodernists apply literary analysis to all phenomena.
Questioning reality: Postmodernists question reality and representation.
And it’s specifically the degradation of meanings of words that is the poison that I refer to. Very Humpty Dumpty, but in the real world as opposed to a children’s fantasy.
So, they think that we should just make words mean what we each want them to mean? That should work out well - not.
(Btw, just as a fyi, Rex is Māori woman. I'm not getting involved, just giving information. However, it's possible she's muted you now, if I've read the last line in her final comment correctly.)
Then I owe Rex a sincere apology - she has every right to protest against settlers of any kind, and no doubt many experiences that have contributed to her pov.
Great piece Katrina, the slow erasure of our language is disturbing. I’m sick to death of these stupid woke useless public servants who walk around with their stupid rainbow lanyards and their docs trying to be soooo progressive.
Let me give you a literal instance from a Hagley teachers' meeting with an imam ( no I will not capitalise the word); who viciously verbalised what should happrn to an unveiled/ inadequately veiled woman.
A fellow tutor, who was also a University lecturer ...was in our group. She is muslim (again I will not capitalise).
She is Pakistani. A single mother. She came to NZ for safety for her dusabled daughter. Her daughter would not have survived in Pakistan.
Disabled children, especially if girls, do not.
This muslim man sneered at my colleague re her loosely draped pale blue silk scarf.
" Back home in Pakistan you would be stoned to death for your disrespect."
She and I got up and walked out.
Other teachers present neither said nor did anything. 20 years ago.
Think how complicit in hurting women, femicide inciting, our sociery and our 'education 'institutions have always been.
Cowards. Saying nothing is considered to be complicity, whether or not that's how the complier feels.
This reminds me very much of an event I attended at Vic Uni in the early 90s. It was the middle of winter, so I was dressed in a long-sleeved jersey, jeans, and was wearing a long coat. The imam took one look at me and said I was dressed immodestly because my head was uncovered. Let's just say I took exception to that...:-)
Yeah they marry children and fuck goats then try to police US. Fuck off, and take your desert death cult with you.
Pakistanis are inbred recessive incest-loving losers.
50% marry their first cousin.
The figure rises to 70% in Bradford, England.
Islam is a desert death cult that enables woman haters, child molesters and rapists, goatfuckers and incest. Fuck Islam. #WhotheFuckisAllah? A pedophile goat-fucker.
Go to a Muslim country if you want to hate women and rape children you morally bereft maggots.
Racism isn’t the answer to sexism and necrocapitalism, Rex. It’s the answer that demagogues want you to embrace, but it’s just more fuel for class-on-class conflict instead of the needed war against oligarchies.
Hate the religion, I do too (but I hate them all), hate the cultural relativity bias that prevents rooting out predators and free-loaders, but please don’t hate the people just because they’re different.
LoL I repeat: 50% of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. It's 70% in Bradford, England. Cousin-fucking incest-lovers can get to fuck.
I will NEVER accept their 'culture' or 'way of life' because it's fucking disgusting. Yes, my culture is above the culture of this country - they indulge in incest, kidfucking and woman hating.
That's not racist. That's rightly not wanting degeneracy and filth to take hold the way it has in Muslim countries.
You do you, honey. I will NEVER accept anyone from ANY country that practises this vile shit.
I’m so relieved to learn that ethnic Brits have neither any current problems nor history involving incest (other than your rulers), kidfucking (I can make a list just of BBCers), or woman hating (everyone *loves* KJK, amirite?).
Oh wait, your precious culture also has problems present and past, but not every Brit is a scumbag.
Kinda like what I’m saying about Pakistani immigrants.
I really like your culture - it’s the foundation of ours in 🇨🇦 after all, and a pretty good (but imperfect) model for the world, all in all. But if you’re going to tar an entire nation with your bigotry, you should really get to work fixing the problems you’ve had a couple or few thousand years to get to.
Unless it’s not really about protecting kids and women, but rather your racism at work. 🤷
LMFAO I'm in NZ so fuck your assumptions about Britain/England/UK. Perhaps you can fix the shit going on in Tranada first before you start throwing that sort of shit around haha.
When a full HALF of a nation are incest-loving kidfuckers, it's a problem with that race.
Maybe it IS my racism at work. And I am totally fine with that. Pakistan can fuck right off. Half of them are incest-fucked and the other half woman hating kidfuckers. I'm happy to stand against that bullshit, whatEVER you call me.
Now off you fuck, mate. You'll never get me to feel ashamed of despising kidfuckers, incest-lovers, goat-fuckers and woman haters when fully half their nation is supporting it and wanting the rest of the world to pay for their recessive inbreds.
Racist it is!
Oh, my mistake.
I hadn’t realized that NZ was also free of those same problems (including KJK, coincidentally, and our shared monarchies), plus I guess how you treated and continue to treat the Māori people is really just a minor misunderstanding.
I mean, I know I’m not going to change your mind.
But I’m still going to call you a piece of shit racist. Sadly, I’m not even getting the satisfaction of outing your true beliefs to anyone, as you’ve demonstrated by your initial response alone just how completely racist you are.
PS yes, Canada is fucking crazy on the trans front (and others, including our own history of mistreating Indigenous peoples). But I am doing what I can about those, not simply blaming entire swaths of immigrants.
Can you say the same about your own backyard? Or do you just yell about the <insert slur here>?
He is nothing but scum!
To whom you are attracted sexually is purely subjective and therefore cannot reasonably be contested by an outside observer.
Where you decide to live your life on a spectrum of superficial, stereotypical male to female attributes (and we all do) is also purely subjective and similarly cannot be questioned.
However, your biological sex reflects an objective reality which cannot be changed by your subjective personal view and futile attempts to do so can result in serious health impacts to you as well as harms to members of the sex you are impersonating (primarily women).
Others who are grounded in objective reality should never be forced to accept your subjective version of your actual biological sex.
Finally, it's past time for the LGB community to separate themselves from the trans activists who are trying to take away the rights of women to fairness in sports and to privacy and safety in their restrooms, locker rooms and prisons. They also advocate for the chemical and surgical mutilation of children many of whom would grow up gay.
Their actions are evil and the
understandable negative reaction to the harm they are causing is spilling over to innocent people who are just going about their business, marrying and leading their lives.
A brilliantly apt analogy. The verbal veiling of western women is indeed akin to the physical veiling, only more covert and cunning, as you say, as well as crazier in that it claims to be for the good of everyone, including women, and so many women, even those like my daughter (29), who very much considers herself to be a feminist, fell for it and continue to fight for it. It's extraordinary power to all but obliterate the language we women and feminists use to describe our unique experiences and defend ourselves against sex discrimination and misrepresentation came from tapping into the underlying hatred of women fed by the relentless lament, from men and allies, about feminists being 'anti-men' or indeed 'man haters', and modern society now favouring girls and women. Mother-blaming is also central to this underlying misogyny and possibly one reason for the readiness of many younger women to campaign for the evil M-word to be ejected from maternity care practice. I guess 'maternity' will have to go too eventually, as it means mother or motherhood. Or perhaps they haven't figured that out. 🙄
Yes, the word 'maternity' must be sticking in the wokesters' craws at Health NZ. I expect they've looked at ways to use a more 'inclusive' term, and am somewhat surprised they haven't already used a substitute. Hopefully, they've missed the tide on doing it now, but I'm not holding my breath yet.
It's probably been chucked in the 'too hard' basket. As clever as they are at warping words to suit their warped world view and aims, 'maternity' presents a distinct challenge for anyone who doesn't want the words 'woman' and 'mother' used but cannot exclude references female humans altogether. I hope no one at the Word-queering headquarters has an aneurism trying to bend their brains to the challenge. 🤨
So much 'good' to read, so little time...thanks again Katrina. (One on the Boghossian event in ChCh? I was a bit underwhlemed. Go you for volunteering in the moment).
You & others have said it all re language use & subversion. The reclamation continues as the mainstream agencies & organs of the state both big & small use inertia as an excuse to veil their own complicity. We're watching like Sherlocks/Watsons.
Ah, shame I missed you at the Peter Boghossian event. If it ever goes up on YouTube, or similar, I may write about what I thought of the evening.
My journalist friend, along with her male colleagues, was invited to interview an imam in Bradford. I was shocked to hear she was not only veiled but expected to stay in the corner surrounded by a screen. Nor was she offered a chair. She could peep through the screen but not ask questions. Nope. No way. Never. That was about a decade ago.
I bet she was angry at such a disrespectful attitude towards her as a woman. Who do these men think they are? Certainly not 'God's gift' - or should I say 'Allah's gift' - as they like to think they are.
Great piece as ever, Katrina, you brave non-man you 😂
Have cross posted
Lol! One of these days I just know I'll be tempted to write that when I'm asked for my 'gender' on a form or survey. In fact, I have one in mind right now. It's a survey I like doing, though, so I'll see how I feel when I get around to it :-)
As soon as you put 'gender' or 'gender identity' into a law or a policy (or a survey) you are in trouble!!
if ya confused .. just visit any maternity ward ; every single human is born from one of our wombs .. and god is the data industrial estate jealous of innate women
Excellent and valuable post, Katrina - thank you.
Language is key, because language is how we, uniquely perhaps, *reprogram* ourselves and others (ie learn and build cultures that survive generations). It’s not just part of what makes us different, I believe it is the core.
And thus obscuring language is a blow to our humanity. As every PoMo-addled fool knows and promotes, intentionally or otherwise.
Post Modernism, sorry.
Think Judith Butler.
(And apologies for making you do that ;)
Thank you. What is PoMo, though?
To be fair, as I try to be :)
It’s not all of PoMo that’s a problem.
It’s really the linguistic aspect of it, which has crept into a far wider scope of academia than simply literary critique.
I hate AI, but this is a decent summary foisted upon me by Google search:
Postmodernism has a unique view of language, which is based on the work of Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure. Postmodernists believe that language is self-referential, meaning that the meaning of a word is a range of differences and contrasts with other words, rather than a static idea or thing in the world.
Postmodernism's views on language include:
Elevating language: Postmodernists consider language and text to be fundamental to existence.
Applying literary analysis: Postmodernists apply literary analysis to all phenomena.
Questioning reality: Postmodernists question reality and representation.
And it’s specifically the degradation of meanings of words that is the poison that I refer to. Very Humpty Dumpty, but in the real world as opposed to a children’s fantasy.
So, they think that we should just make words mean what we each want them to mean? That should work out well - not.
(Btw, just as a fyi, Rex is Māori woman. I'm not getting involved, just giving information. However, it's possible she's muted you now, if I've read the last line in her final comment correctly.)
Then I owe Rex a sincere apology - she has every right to protest against settlers of any kind, and no doubt many experiences that have contributed to her pov.
But she’s still a horrible racist.
I won’t speak on behalf of Rex, but just say, perhaps, not to think that everything you read about Māori speaks for them all.
Apologies, to be fair she appears to espouse horrribly racist beliefs. That doesn’t necessarily make her an irredeemable racist.
I agree with all your words.
Well-written, Katrina.
Thank you :-)
Great piece Katrina, the slow erasure of our language is disturbing. I’m sick to death of these stupid woke useless public servants who walk around with their stupid rainbow lanyards and their docs trying to be soooo progressive.
They can all FO, bunch of losers !!
All of this makes much more sense when you realize that transhumanism is the end goal
I can SO picture that! And want to laugh - if it wasn't so wrong.