I read part of this with my mouth wide open in disbelief at her ignorant gall and pathetic, submissive, bitchy pandering to men. This was the clincher: 'Trans leaders are currently teaching an absolute masterclass in self-love, acceptance and non-violent activism to the world if we’re open to hearing it.' What in the living f8ck is this woman on??? Although 'masterclass in self-love' is spot on, just not the spot she thinks it is. 🙄 Stuff The Press and stuff all these backstabbing, self-serving Transmaidens. Go all the tireless Terfs whose integrity and grit, humour and heart, is the BEST thing on the global public sphere by a proverbial mile, you not least, KB. XX

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Aside from the logical fallacies and emotional "be kind" blackmail that has become boring to me, I found the part about the drag show interesting. It seems she was instinctively a bit repulsed by their sexualised mockery of women, but on reflection realised it was caused by her jealousy of their feminine energy 🤦🏼‍♀️

The mental gymnastics these "be kind" women will do to pander to men who mock us astounds (and scares) me.

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So once upon a time, Flip had instincts. She recognised the misogynistic mockery of drag for what it was. But she was patiently schooled in the fact that she doesn't own femininity. Nor femaleness, apparently. Nor anything at all. And neither does any girl or woman, because kindness.

What part of denying reality and fabricating an identity that requires the validation of society lest you perish on the spot, says "self-love" or "self-acceptance"?

And don't get me started on love without boundaries. Anyone with their eyes open knows exactly where that's heading.

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Crazy ignorance, eh? She herself will have plenty of boundaries - e.g. she would have boundaries of how customers can behave in her shop. I doubt she would allow love without boundaries for any children she had.

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What Flip Grater and other supporters of the 'trans women are women' con don't realise is that it doesn't matter if they're not concerned about trans women in their spaces / sports etc. It matters because some women are.

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Well said, Ken.

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I also talked at "teaching us...non violent activism"....let alone "joyful expression of feminine energy".

She gives feminists and vegans a bad name.

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*balked *

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Ha ha me too!!

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Omg the ignorance! Thanks for giving her a good response.

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Indeed 'feelings aren't facts' Flip. Here's a fact the ratio of trans males who offend sexually and aggressively against women ( and some males) in prison in U.K. ( source Ayasn Hirsi Ali from Brutish stats) is double offending by what you would term cis men. Then there's offences against girls...those being sexually assaulted and raped in gender neutral toilets at schools here, in Australia, in U.K. and in USA. Agsin there are posts, videos made speaking to school boards and dicumentrd evidence of court cases. Flip apologise...say sorty for your 'op piece' uninformed and sadly biased as it is... to we women and girls speaking up for every woman's human right ti safe and discrete spaces.

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Trans women are trans women They are not women.

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I understand what you’re saying, but best not to use the word ‘woman’ if at all possible, as it’s designed to trick us into thinking that these men really are a type of woman. How I refer to them - i.e. men who say they’re women - is clunky, but more accurate. Some people also use ‘trans-identifying man/men’, which keeps the ‘men’ in it, too. Thanks for reading and commenting, though :-)

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Trans women are MEN.

Humans are male/men or female/women, there is no in between sex called trans women.

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I am a TERF and proud of it.

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What a puerile wish.

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Thanks Katrina, knew I could count on you. I've been a Press letter-to-the-editor type in former times but I've given up & Flip hasn't flipped me. Great other remarks too, quite a quorum of good sorts right here...they'll do me.

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I doubt The Press would publish a criticism of a transmaiden's opinion piece in a letter to the editor, would they?

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Hmm...good question. By rights they should appreciate a reasonable response . You should send this piece in as a rebuttal, or an edited version...

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I was to do that, definitely an edited version - lol! However, a rebuttal of all the points would be rather lengthy :-)

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It crossed my mind to write a pithy but short general letter...along the lines of 'has Flip forgotten why sex-segregated spaces were created in the 1st place?', privacy from the male gaze etc, not to mention bad actors who will, if given an inch take a mile...

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If you did, it would be most interesting to see if it got published.

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If I do I'll let you know...

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Flips friend patiently informs her that Femininity doesn’t belong to her and Masculinity doesn’t belong to him. This new information changes her brain on the spot. Then unbelievably makes the statement about knee jerk reaction. Owning my Feminine side helps me be the Best Man I can be. It gives me Empathy and Compassion for all that comes before me.

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None of us are just one thing. Owning that we have different aspects that come out at different times helps us through life. Watching drag queens parody femininity is an uncomfortable watch for many women (and may e men,too) and nothing to do with who ‘owns’ femininity or masculinity.

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Lol and it's a kindly man who helps her see the light, oh the irony😄

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I note the same language being used to force women into accepting men with mental illness into their spaces is being echoed by Victoria University

in their latest study to get people to less mean to paedophiles.


This has always been the end game by some in the Trans "community. Note how many relative to population numbers are sexual offenders


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Those like Flip Grater, who are largely ignorant but get a platform, end up promulgating dangerous opinions.

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Honestly, why should women get mad at men pissing on the toilet seat in a women’s bathroom? Or putting a camera in their shoe if they have a “wide stance”? Or dropping a phone with the video on accidentally? Or for hairy knuckled hands groping under a divider because they need paper? Or better, knocking on the door to get a roll from a seated woman?

Why can’t women just lie back and enjoy it?

I’m male and I don’t like public toilets.

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With policies that allow any man who says he's a woman into women's spaces - even if it's just for the duration of a visit to the toilet - there are men who will take advantage of that for all sorts of reasons, including simply because women's toilets are nicer to be in.

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I can imagine. I’m quite astonished that men don’t get it but they don’t care generally.

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Admittedly, it’s more difficult to care about something if it doesn’t affect you. Men who have daughters care more, because men know men.

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I’m a man and I can say quite definitely that men are Pigs, as women can also be from time to time. It’s fascinating and scary to watch straight men’s frontal cortex switch off, the limbic, amygdala and what I call “nucleus erectens” kicks in when around a woman who may turn them on. There is almost an audible pop. Reason flies out the window. If a man has a fetish get out of the way. I don’t think men remember what it feels like to be unreasonable after a wave of excitement passes. That’s why they don’t care too much possibly.

For almost two decades I maintained a 5’9” 250lb bearded bodybuilder (32” waist, 22” arms) look and I had one decade with a shaved head. I realized very fast the effect I had in public - panic - the first time a woman told a child “let the man walk by”. When I was in Japan it was a Godzilla effect in public if I wore a teeshirt, say to Shinjuku, crowds parted like the Red Sea.

I remarked to a friend of mine in Paris that I felt so safe there wandering around at night and she looked at me and said “you’re the man they run away from, of course”.

Since that period I’ve just been very aware and go out of my way to not frighten people with a barreling absent-minded Incredible Hulk walking hurriedly towards them (I walk into walls level of absent-minded).

I know that other men are often oblivious and cannot see the expressions on people’s faces and cannot imagine what it must be like to confront an active full-blown manic fetish moment in a bathroom for a woman.

I can. It should never happen. It’s also incredibly difficult to describe to people - that fetishists enjoy _just the panic sensation they set off_ in those circumstances. They want the objection.

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You've shared some very profound thoughts and observations there - thank you.

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“Why else would she write a piece for the mainstream media denigrating the

‘wrong’ sort of women”

For selfish reasons. Money… she is in a Cafe business reliant on regular customers.

Many bigger spenders would be from this very life-style she is protecting.

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Yes, vegans - especially younger ones, but not limited to that demographic - are very much on board with pretending that men who say they're women are women. It beggars belief, as the experimentation on animals for the sake of making drugs and surgery available to people who want to modify their bodies is hideous.

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Do you have any stats on vegan trans supporters? I'm pretty sure their are quite a few young-uns who 'self ID' as vegan because it was in some circles on trend, and no-one could really argue the point having limit access to the faux vegans' fridge. However us proper vegans did not consider what other people did when deciding to live as we do. We are generally the Black Sheep (cheers Black Sheep) who question the general narrative sold to us, are against Big Pharma and also are against the butchering of animals for greed and self satiation. I would have thought that stance would translate very smoothly to gender critical opinions.

Actually, now that I think about it, the friends that have supported my anti gender ideology posts on Facebook are nearly all vegan.

Another point is that many of us understand that in factory farming, the males are quickly slaughtered, whereas the females stay in the horrendous system for life. They're constantly raped and have their offspring removed until they are of an age when they are no longer profitable and then literally chucked in the bin, sometimes while still alive.

Another point is, vegan activists regularly use the statement 'You've Been Lied To' in reference to all the myriad lies and misinformation politicians, agricultural interests and profiteers tell us to deflect our curiosity about what actually goes on in modern day slaughterhouses.

Personally, my Veganism and Anti Gender Ideology stance comes from the same values I hold.

Sorry to blab on and on, but I am reminded of Animals Australia's slogan..... Be Kind.

I have just sent a very lengthy complaint letter to their CEO criticising their affiliation with ACON and their ideological capture, having been moralised to on the phone for over half an hour by their 'Relationships Manager' about my lack of kindness to LGBTQ+ people. She bullied me into listening to her career in LGBTQ+ organisations, repeating all the activists lies, did not mention animals once and didn't give a rats arse when I cancelled my monthly donations and my pledge to bequest.

Despite my deep love of animals, I can't support businesses which hate women. I told AA that some of what I used to send them will now go to Sal Grover.

That's how sure I am that Veganism and Gender Ideology are in opposition.

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I believe Animals Australia have gone right off the rails, and allowed gender ideology to corrupt them completely. I agree that gender ideology and veganism are not compatible at all. Gender ideology will always corrupt anything it gets into.

My experience of vegans was different to yours, in that I found many were hostile to me. Primarily younger ones, but not exclusively. You might like to read this story - "How two vegan men peaked me into being a committed women’s rights ‘bigot’. " :-)


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Well, I had no idea vegans were "being infected by woke".

Just goes to show, man-love well and truly supersedes veganism and probably everything else.

Although you did have 2 other vegans commenting their support of your earlier (linked) article.

Just like handmaiden faux feminists, I guess I should expect to meet handmaiden faux vegans.

I haven't heard back from Animals Australia, but learning they had succumbed was what peaked me. Xx

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By "master class in self love," you mean masturbating before mirror in plus-size thong and stuffed bra, right?

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