Great vid discussion on such an important subject - it's appalling about the lack of available info - methinks TRAs + allies are deliberately obfuscating. Children in state care are already traumatised and very vulnerable to trans conversion as Di said - I was horrified at the lack of qualifications for "Rainbow" hires at OT. Good grief - they are preying on kids who have nowhere else to go - it's a travesty.

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I myself personally believe that organisations are 'encouraged' by neo-rainbow lobby groups to not keep systematic records.

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Neo-rainbow - great term - gonna use it! Yeah - no systematic records = nothing to see here. The neo-rainbow cult is engaging in child abuse sanctioned by OT.

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remember when they were social welfare? cyfs? every few years, another scandal, another name change. corrupt. to the core.

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I can't imagine that when it comes to dealing with children in state care or orphanages, there won't always be scandals. It's highly distasteful and disturbing, but true, imo. We can only put a certain amount of safeguards in place, before they become barriers to barely getting anything done.

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Great chat ladies. Thank you.

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Great chat that I watched yesterday. Good to hear you fixed the mic problem as it was really annoying!

The approach of not keeping any records reminds me of the early approach of Trump and covid. He stated that "we" weren't keeping track of covid deaths because presumably, if too many people were dying it wouldn't look good for him.

I wonder of OT is that sloppy in other areas of health, for example immunisation? Do they know if children in their care are up to date with these or not? If not, why not? What about dental care? And any other health needs?

"If you haven’t been captured by this [postmodern] philosophy, then you will also recognise that facts, far from being superfluous, are actually quite important, especially in health care settings and particularly in maternity and child care." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/first-do-no-harm

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