According to their own website, the purpose of the NZ police is to, "seek to prevent crime and crashes, improve public safety, detect and bring offenders to account, and maintain law and order." Can someone please explain why they totally abdicated their sworn duty in Auckland?

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There is a review underway now.

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Any possibility of publishing a live stream to YouTube?

Apart from being banned on Twitter 2x, I recently had my Instagram and Facebook hacked and shut down by livid trannies. There is no recourse to getting them back and I'm prevented from starting new accounts. Many other women following this Substack may have suffered similar deplatforming.

GC women are a new type of lost tribe cast into the wilderness.

Having had 2 warnings on YouTube my days there may be numbered too. Apart from YT the only places they haven't been able to shut me down yet are Substack and my blog -


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That's something we'll need to consider and discuss. You're probably right that there's a whole tribe of GC women cast into the social media wilderness. We haven't accounted for that, so will work on it. Lots is happening really fast, but we'll try and prioritise this.

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Thanks Katrina, this is brilliant. Wondering who is conducting the review of police in this ... they want roasting for their deliberate abstention from action. Also you raise the issue of noise levels ... I've thought for quite a while now this needs looking into ... this is not within the scope of "normal" loud noise (eg football crowd); it's more akin to deliberate and calculated aural damage.

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The police are conducting an internal review, and there have been multiple official complaints made by individuals and groups.

The noise aspect definitely needs discussing, and I'll make a note of that to bring up in the discussion at some stage. It may need some legal expertise on it. Luckily, we have people already asking to donate to us, but everything's happening so fast we haven't set up the bank account yet - lol! We will soon, though, and then we can start accepting donations to fund more in-depth work.

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It appears that objectionable, really loud, ear piercing noise with whistles, fog horns, drums, constantly screaming insults etc has been imported to NZ from North America where such appalling behaviour is a deliberate strategy employed to silence speakers and to shut down an event as this article from Genevieve Gluck's substack shows: https://genevievegluck.substack.com/p/trans-activist-who-shut-down-gender?

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PS Facebook not the best live platform for me either ... would be great if there were additional options.

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See above reply. We may move to another platform eventually, as in a website, but right now we're just doing what we can with what we've got :-)

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Brilliant .

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This is absolutely fantastic! Congratulations to Real Women NZ, can't wait.

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Look forward to listening to discussion by women on this new forum. It is sorely needed. Is the live streaming only available on Facebook? I am a senior citizen who attended the "Let Women Speak' rally in Albert Park on Saturday, 25th March to hear Kellie Jay Keen and other women speak about our sex based rights. I was horrified by the verbal and physical harassment and misogynistic behaviour that unfolded before my eyes including when a so-called woman threw red liquid (evidently soup) over KJK and her security guard who was trying to protect her. Fearing for my safety when the out-of-control mob of trans activists knocked over the metal barriers and charged towards the band rotunda, where KJK and others were standing, I hastily left the park. Utterly disgraceful of the NZ police to stand back and do nothing to maintain law and order to protect KJK, the event organisers and members of the public, such as myself, from such aggressive mob thuggery. I was most disappointed that I was denied the rightful opportunity to hear JKK and other women speak. I fear for the future of this country if such unacceptable type of hostile mob behaviour is not addressed with the utmost urgency.

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We will be creating a YouTube channel as well for it to be uploaded to for later viewing. Everything is happening fast, so it's not all in place just yet, but we just wanted to start this asap. Seeing as it's not a commercial venture, we figured we would just go for it, rather than wait until we were all polished up first :-) It's gratifying to see how much interest there is from all quarters.

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Thanks Katrina for the feedback over this much need venture.

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Thanks, Virginia. We'll work on moving it to a platform that is more available to everyone to watch the livestream.

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Does anyone know what nzst 730 pm is in pst? Asking fro. British Columbia

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Here's time zone converter https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

I'll add it to my Substack piece, too. Thanks for the nudge :-)

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