Jul 1Liked by Katrina Biggs

Sall has worded things so well, it's been a mega help to those using logic against the nut-brigade. May all her giggles fight off tickles.

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The problem is that the trans cult does not understand logic.. or they refuse to acknowledge logic.they are bathing in a tub of LIES. And I just hope New Zealand stands for truth .. though I’m not hopeful!

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NZ has some great Pacific Reggae, people need to chillax, instead of (as many have pointed out) being "GoTh" w/no accompanying music/art element ‐ or worse - a part time Middle East expert/sociopath as well.

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Jul 1Liked by Katrina Biggs

Sall is a heroine in this fight. She has to win this fight. Watching from the UK. Keep fighting all you Terfs.💜🤍💚

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Jul 1·edited Jul 2Liked by Katrina Biggs

Not all heroes wear capes. Well done you two.

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A visitor from another planet using his superior intellect would surely conclude that the appalling treatment of women by men, being so systemic, was a normal expression of the human condition! In no other animal species do we observe anything approaching this self-destructive psychotic behavior! What do animals know that humans don't?

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Jul 2Liked by Katrina Biggs

I just watched this on YouTube. Fantastic conversation.

I liked your final statements about collaboration.

I am also looking for TERF collaboration. I'm working on a puppet show and am starting to put together an anthology to tell women's battle stories in this War on Women. If you would like to know more, please message.

I also think it would be a cool project to read the transcript of Tickle V Giggle out loud and post it online, so people can listen and analyze. If anyone else wants to work on this, let me know. It would be a simple voice recording with minimal editing so it wouldn't even take that long.

I have lots of ideas :)

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Are you in NZ?

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Jul 2Liked by Katrina Biggs

I'm in Canada, but I want to reach out to NZ women for the anthology.

I plan to include a section on KJK in NZ, of course. I want to get in touch with the woman who was punched that day, and any other women who would like to express what they experienced there.

The reason I'm making this book is that I myself was punched in the face by a troon goon who was twice my size and 20 yrs younger than me. I went flying! He broke my nose. I'm very lucky it wasn't a worse injury.

Anyway, I feel that life handed me a story and it would be irresponsible not to tell it, and to reach out to other women with similar stories.

The puppet show can also be done at a distance. I'll make a soundtrack which could incorporate actors from all over the world. They I'll create the visuals with shadow puppets, an absolutely gorgeous and imaginative artform which I love. I've made a few shows before using this method.

Also, recording a reading of the trial transcript could be done over zoom in a weekend. When think about it, I guess AI could read it out, if we wanted to cheat. But it probably wouldn't be as good as humans reading it.

Do you know if anyone is planning to do this? I think it's actually pretty important because if we put it on YT (We could make a slide show or still image) then YT creators could make reaction videos. That way the case would get a lot more attention and we could all get educated on the details.

It would be awesome if Law Tube would start looking at it, but maybe we could build more buzz around it by putting out the transcript in this form, also with clips and shorter videos of the notable sections.

My only question is how long will this recording be? I found the transcript online and downloaded it but I haven't looked at it yet.

What do you think? Anyone want to help me do this?

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Hi Sea Wolf. I am very sorry to hear a TRA broke your nose (bastard!), and agree entirely there is a story to tell there. I was at Posie's Auckland rally and was swarmed and deafened, enraged and scared by the baying mob. I ran to help the elderly woman being repeatedly punched in the face right in front of me. My daughter was one of that mob of 2,000, as I later learnt from an image shared in our MSM. We are estranged in significant part due to this divide. She used to be a feminist. I don't know anything about shadow puppeteering but as a writer I had been planning a book on that Auckland rally with essays from those who were there about their experiences, as well as a summary of the massive media hate-storm that was whipped up in Australia and New Zealand prior to it. I don't use YT but have some experience in performance comedy (and dance) and have also considered using those art forms to tell the story. The trouble is I have too many projects planned and have just self-published two books that I am still doing publicity for. So I am not sure if I can be of any significant help to you for your project. But it sounds interesting and I totally support anyone doing what they can to expose the brutality and unkindness of this mad, essentially men's rights movement. XX

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Jul 3Liked by Katrina Biggs

Terf vibes- incredible. What a truly strange and astounding time we live in. How terrifying. You were right there in the middle of the ugliest violence- so sorry. The world was shocked.

I feel strongly that your story must be told! People need to know what's happening, and we need to leave the breadcrumbs for people to find in the future. Don't let these events fade into obscurity, this is our history.

Have you written an account of that day? Do you have anything you'd be willing to contribute to an anthology?

I am just a baby writer and have never published anything, so any advice would be welcome!

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Thank you for your sympathy, and yes, strange and terrible times these are indeed. But the Terf resistance is growing and that is what I cling to for hope of real change in the battle of the sexes that has been undermining humanity for far too bloody long. I have a PhD on the subject of male violence against women and our justice systems' failings in preventing and punishing this violence. I agree all our frontline Terf stories need to be told and I am hoping to put a collection of first-hand accounts of that day in Auckland together at some point. I have begun my account. But, as mentioned, I am currently kind of swamped with other writing and promotional projects and very aware of the many practical challenges involved in bringing any writing project to fruition and then getting people to read it. If you have more time available I would recommend beginning by writing your account of the TRA violence you experienced with as much detail about what happened, how this affected you, who your assailant was, and anyone else involved as you can recall and handle sharing. If you know any of the other participants at the protest where your nose was broken, see if you can them to write about their experiences. Perhaps a more global anthology of accounts from the Terf frontline might be a better (if bigger!) project than one on just the Auckland experience. I am hoping to get Posie interested in contributing to my anthology, but she is definitely too busy for now to be working on anything else. I hope this helps, and happy Terfing to you! :)

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Jul 4Liked by Katrina Biggs

I've written a basic account of my experience, but I could probably go back over it and record more detail, before it fades from memory. Definitely worth doing.

Here's an article written by my Radfem friend. I'm new to this area and made some good friends as a result of the attack.


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I'll ask around :-)

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Jul 2Liked by Katrina Biggs

I will see you as am heading up on 9th for this!! Debs

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Tell Sally I was blocked from attending one of her events due to the alienating and misplaced superiority of a gatekeeper who lacks basic skills in how to fairly veto without using reactive narrow minded presumptions and false discriminatory tactics - ironically stopping common place real smart working class and educated women with talent and charisma - oh and I have birthed 2 kids and survived 4 careers , precarity and success and born woman so why do women gatekeepers so often repressand disregard our sisters' reality if they dont exactly mirror our opinions - This is a big part of the problem - women must support each other and start believing our right to self and our sexed autonomy

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Wonderful ol gel… who next???

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Who next? Do you mean who is the next visitor?

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