It must take some strong ovaries to cycle to hospital whilst in labour to give birth to your baby¹. Well, in a first-world country, that is. Women in third-world countries probably do all that, and more, before breakfast (in a manner of speaking). Still, it was no mean feat by Green Party MP, the Hon Julie Anne Genter, to pedal herself to hospital whilst her baby was making her way into the world.
Does she know, though, that she might have been riding an invention by a radical right-wing Christian fascist? And probably a white man, to boot! The German aristocrat Karl von Drais, who has been credited with inventing the prototype of the bicycle as we know it today², may very well have fitted all of Julie’s description in the below screenshot of her tweet. He may even have been “anti-trans” – i.e. knew that men couldn’t become women simply upon saying they were, because that’s something we all knew until five minutes ago. And Julie has embraced his invention! Jaysus – there could be some serious atonement required here.
In fact, there’s nothing decisive about who exactly came up with the idea of the bicycle first. It was likely a conglomeration of ideas. However, it seems clear that they were all attributed to European men. It’s possible that women and kids contributed, too, but their ideas remain unattributed. We will probably never know. But we do know that the bicycle carries the ‘taint’ of a white man, who may also have been a radical right-wing Christian fascist, seeing as any normal person in the Western world, past and present, who doesn’t buy into trans ideology is one, apparently.
I’m not sure why only Christians get slurred like this, as there must be radical right-wing fascists in other religions, too. I’m kidding, of course – I know exactly why only Christians are slurred like this.
One of the first inklings of what was to become the bicycle can be traced back to an Italian engineer in 1418, called Giovanni Fontana². Now, the Roman Catholic religion has been the dominant religion in Italy for over 1,500 years, so it’s fair to surmise that Giovanni Fontana was also a radical right-wing Christian fascist. He very likely wouldn’t have believed that men could become woman either, not least because engineers have a tendency to stick to facts. Well, they did before engineering was declared non-binary transfem/masc queer. Despite Giovanni Fontana’s religion practising a transubstantiation rite, I’ll put money on it that he still wouldn’t have thought men could become women just upon saying a few words.
Having been brought up a Catholic myself (but now agnostic), we Catholics always understood that the rite was symbolic. We didn’t really expect that the priest’s words would turn that wafer into a physical man called Jesus Christ. Unlike now, where we’re expected to believe that when a man says he’s a woman he actually is one from that point on. From memory, even Jesus never turned a man into a woman, or vice versa. He turned some water into wine once, but I never heard that he turned a man into a woman. As I grew older, I mocked Catholicism and its’ beliefs, but after seeing firsthand the nuttery of the religion of transgenderism, I’ll never mock or deride any deity-based religion again, even if I disagree with some of their teachings.
A few centuries after Giovanni Fontana, German aristocrat Karl von Drais, potentially a radical right-wing Christian fascist, came up with what would evolve into today’s bicycle. It’s a popular mode of transport by those who don’t drive or own a car, sports people, recreational cyclists, and Green Party MPs.
It’s not hard to get so enmeshed in one’s bubble and echo-chamber that ridiculous expressions like “radical right-wing Christian fascist” become the norm to describe ordinary people. I would venture to say that this is exactly where Julie Anne Genter is. I have been there myself, before I got excommunicated from my vegan groups for the heresy of not believing in trans ideology. It still puzzles me why the heck it would matter what I do and don’t believe, seeing as animals don’t give a flying eff about human politics. I’m still a vegan, but I got done a big favour getting run out of Vegantown. I would especially like thank the two guys who finally peaked me good and proper³. Although I daresay they considered themselves far removed from the vileness of being radical right-wing Christian fascists, they were, and possibly remain, exceptionally big a-holes.
¹Julie Anne Genter cycles to hospital to give birth | RNZ News
²Who Invented the Bicycle? | Live Science
³How two vegan men peaked me into being a committed women’s rights ‘bigot’. (substack.com)
Things are getting crazier than I ever imagined
I have a question for any MP in the Green Party: when did you abandon your commitment to the environment? I mean, I presume that this is the case because otherwise you are behind two totally opposing causes, which is impossible for a political party that wants to be a part of the government. You can't say you prioritise carbon neutrality and chastise us all for using Gladwrap and using a car to go to hospital in labour, while at the same time going to rallies that support the trans lobby, waving placards slurring women and promoting the mutilation of children. You cannot support the environmentally unsustainable lifestyle that is the trans identity. Everything needed to live as trans is imported and all that plastic for medical supplies! All those imported drugs! And of course, it's not just a one-off treatment; the trans life is one of knowing you are a lifelong medical patient. If one tried to design a life that was as environmentally unfriendly as possible, trans would be perfect.