Jun 13, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs

Things are getting crazier than I ever imagined

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Jun 13, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs

I have a question for any MP in the Green Party: when did you abandon your commitment to the environment? I mean, I presume that this is the case because otherwise you are behind two totally opposing causes, which is impossible for a political party that wants to be a part of the government. You can't say you prioritise carbon neutrality and chastise us all for using Gladwrap and using a car to go to hospital in labour, while at the same time going to rallies that support the trans lobby, waving placards slurring women and promoting the mutilation of children. You cannot support the environmentally unsustainable lifestyle that is the trans identity. Everything needed to live as trans is imported and all that plastic for medical supplies! All those imported drugs! And of course, it's not just a one-off treatment; the trans life is one of knowing you are a lifelong medical patient. If one tried to design a life that was as environmentally unfriendly as possible, trans would be perfect.

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Medicines are very environmentally unfriendly, not to mention the testing on animals is horrific, but we accept that as the trade-off for having medicine. We shouldn’t push and encourage it though, for reasons of gratifying an urge which may be treatable with therapy. I sometimes think of the genital experimentation that must be done on poor animals for the purpose of transferring the knowledge obtained from that to humans, and it horrifies me. Nothing to do with trans ideology is ‘green’ that I can see, and yet the Greens push it relentlessly.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by Katrina Biggs

I did some bicycle infrastructure courses (online as the in person courses were cancelled) via Amsterdam University during the idiotic lockdowns. On one of them Julie Anne made an appearance representing NZ (she actually went to say Kia ora & then realized who the fellow panellists were so jumped to a very Californian Gidday instead). She knew absolutely nothing about the topic at hand and basically just waffled. And looking at the finished cycle path here out to Port Chalmers I'd have to say that she's not the only one who knows nothing about cycling infrastructure in this country.

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Genter has cosy connections into the oil industry via her family. Also her husband does very well out of government contracts.

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Ah - the ol' government contracts gravy train, eh?

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